搜索"亚伯拉罕·波波" ,找到 8部影视作品
影片改编自道迪·史密斯的小说,故事设定在20世纪70年代朋克摇滚革命时期的伦敦,讲述了一个名叫艾丝黛拉(艾玛·斯通 饰)的年轻骗子的故事。艾丝黛拉是一个聪明又有创意的女孩,她决心用自己的设计让自己出名。她和一对欣赏她的恶作剧嗜好的小偷交上了朋友男男车图素材,并能够一起在伦敦的街道上建立自己的生活。有一天,艾丝黛拉的时尚品味吸引了冯·赫尔曼男爵夫人(艾玛·汤普森 饰)的眼球,她是一位时尚界的传奇人物,拥有毁灭性的时尚和可怕的高雅,但他们的关系引发了一系列事件,导致艾丝黛拉去拥抱她的邪恶一面,成为了兼具疯狂、时尚和报复心的库伊拉。
Nadira Amrani,Toby Macdonald,詹妮弗·谢里丹
“Extraordinary” is set in a world where everyone develops a power on their 18th birthday… everyone, that is, except for Jen. She’s turning 25 and is still waiting to get hers. She’s not even fussy about what that could be: super speed? Laser eyes? The ability to plug in a USB the right way every single time? She’ll take it. Like a caterpillar surrounded by butterflies, Jen feels unable to move forward, stuck in a dead-end job in a party shop and occasionally hooking up with Luke, a flaky young man with the irritatingly cool里番acg资源 ability to fly. Luckily, Jen has Carrie to stop her from wallowing in her own self-pity. Inseparable since school, their relationship cycles between sister, parent, and wingman. Together they share an East London flat with Carrie’s long-term boyfriend, Kash. Carrie has the power to channel the dead but feels she’s been overshadowed by her own party trick: doesn’t anyone care about what she has to say? Kash takes his power – the ability to一个人的抗日 turn back time – very seriously, but he’s not above using it to undo minor embarrassments, or moments when he says exactly the wrong thing to long-suffering Carrie. The fourth member of the flat is a stray cat, named Jizzlord by the gang, who’s harbouring a surprising secret: turns out even cats have more power than Jen.
亚马逊6集自然惊悚剧集《钻井》公布卡司名单:伊恩·格雷(《权力的游戏》)、埃米丽·汉普希尔(《权力的游戏》)领衔主演,卡司还包括马丁·康普斯顿(《重任在肩》)、罗森达·桑德尔(《小斧子》)、欧文·蒂尔(《权力的游戏》)、理查德·皮泼(《布里奇顿》)、马克·博纳尔(《大祸临头》)、卡尔文·德姆巴([去年圣诞])、埃蒙·埃利奥特(《权力的游戏》)等。该剧由约翰遍地狼烟电视剧全集·史翠兰(《重任在肩》吉林小说)执导。 剧集故事以位于苏格兰海岸外北海危险海域的Kishorn Bravo石油钻井平台为背景,当船员们即将返回大陆时,一场神秘的、全方位的大雾席卷而来,他们发现自己与岸边和外界的所有联系都被切断了。当钻井平台受到巨大的震动时,船员们努力探索是什么在驱动着这股未知的力量,但一场重大的事故迫使他们对自己真正能信任的人产生了疑问。