搜索"Neel" ,找到 24部影视作品
保拉·艾瑟特 ,托娅·刘易斯
An alarmingly disproportionate number of Black women are failed every year by the U.S. maternal health system. Shamony Gibson and Amber Rose Isaac were vibrant, excited mothers-to-be whose deaths due to childbirth complications were preventable. Now, their partners and families are determined to sound a rallying cry around this chilling yet largely ignored crisis. Directors Paula Eiselt and Tonya Lewis Lee follow Gibson’s and Isaac’s bereaved partners, Omari Maynard and Bruce McIn尾行3完美存档下载tyre, as they fight for justice and build communities of support, bonding especially with other surviving Black fathers. Their tragic, individual experiences are punctuated with condemning historical context, showing that gynecology has a long-standing history of exploiting and neglecting Black women in America. In the arresting words of mother-to-be Felicia Ellis, “A Black woman having a baby is like a Black man at a traffic stop with the police.” She emphasizes that paying attention is paramount. Aftershock brings an un网络游戏2013排行榜settling reality to the forefront while uplifting the families, activists, and birth workers who are striving to bring institutional change and legislative reform. These mothers will not be forgotten.
Raaj Shaandilyaa
卡拉姆(阿尤斯曼•库拉纳Ayushmann Khurrana 饰)出生反黑风暴全集在一个贫穷的家庭之中,他的父亲经营着一家棺材铺子,生意非常的惨淡,这导致他欠下了巨额的债务。长大后的卡拉姆渐渐理解了家里困难的情况,他有一项绝技,就是模仿女人说话。利用自己的这项绝技,卡拉姆歪歪色影在电话交友中心里找到了一份工作,他化名为普加,用他“甜美”的声音陪男客人聊天。 心思细腻的卡拉姆在电话交友中心里非常的受客户的欢迎,甚至有很多人指名道姓要照顾他的生意,在和这些人交流的过程里,卡拉姆见识到了人间百态。随着时间的推移,卡拉姆发现,海贼王 搜狐自己身为男性的这个秘密,很快就要保守不住了。
Vishwesh Krishnamoorthy
99 Songs is a musician’s quest to understand his purpose and passion. It is a journey of heartbreak and redemption, of loss and faith; an ode to the timeless power of love and music. 99 Songs is co-written by A.R Rahman. He also composed the original score and盛势网络剧 songs.
Suneel Tripuraneni
因婆媳关系不好,新婚日本国产一卡二卡三新区夫妇安妮和哈罗德在离母亲远的乡下买了一套旧房,旧房是朋友尼尔介绍的。搬进第一天,尼尔夫妇过来探访,尼尔讲了一“死亡故事”,——玛丽在凌晨2点,无缘无故拿刀捅死了丈夫亚伯,而且捅了40刀,事后将亚伯挂于仓库;清晨,警察赶到,玛丽竟不知发生了什么,仅告诉警察房间有鬼。尼尔半开玩笑说故野花韩国高清完整版在线观看事就发生在这个房间。故事近似玩笑,安妮没在意。 但从第二天,安妮单独在家时,房间开始发生奇奇怪怪的事情,水浒笑传2不时现鬼影;并常在凌晨2点被噩梦惊醒……
Devi is gifted with Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). Her gift comes to light one day while playing tennis with her friend, Sudha, when she has a vision of her sister, Rama, being shot to death by a man in a black raincoat. She telephones Rama, finds she is safe and is relieved. Shortly thereafter Rama disappears, the police are notified, but are unable to find any trace of her. Devi then meets multi-millionaire, Ram Kumar, both fall in love and法网狙击演员表 get married. She moves into his once abandoned and legally disputed bungalow, and that's when she starts having visions again. These visions lead her to a wall that is loosely plastered. She breaks down the wall with a pick-axe and finds a skeleton of a woman, who is later identified as Rama. Now having come to know that her premonitions are more or less accurate, Devi starts to have another vision - this time of a woman being stabbed by a bald man...
保拉·艾瑟特 ,托娅·刘易斯
An alarmingly disproportionate number of Black women are f97ganmmailed every year by the U.S. maternal health system. Shamony Gibson and Amber Rose Isaac were vibrant, excited mothers-to-be whose deaths due to childbirth complications were preventable. Now, their partners and families are determined to sound a rallying cry around this chilling yet largely ignored crisis. Directors Paula Eiselt and Tonya Lewis Lee follow Gibson’s and Isaac’s bereaved partners, Omari Maynard and Bruce McIntyre, as they fight for justice and build communities of support, bonding especially with other surviving Black fathers. Their tragic, individual experiences are punctuated with condemning historical context, showing that gynecology has a long-standing history of exploiting and neglecting Black women in America. In the arresting words of mother-to-be Felicia Ellis, “A Black woman having a baby is like a Black man at a traffic stop with the police.” She emphasizes that paying attention is paramount. Aftershock brings an unsettling reality to the forefront while uplifting the families, activists, and birth workers who are striving to bring institutional change and legislative reform. These mothers will not be forgotten.
Neele Vollmar
杨(克里斯蒂安·乌蒙 Christian Ulmen 饰)是一位典型的德国男子,个性古板又拘谨,喜欢一成不变的生活。一次偶然中,杨邂宫下华奈逅了名为莎拉(米娜·唐德 Mina Tander 饰)的女子,莎拉来自于意大利,血统之中饱含了意大利式的奔放与疯狂,就这样,一对性格截然相反的男女相爱决定踏入婚姻的殿堂。 杨见到了莎拉的父亲安东尼奥(利诺·班菲 Lino Banfi 饰),这个固执的老头坚持女儿的婚礼一定要在坎勃贝萝举行,于是,一行人千里迢迢赶到了目的地,谁知道在那里,一连串的麻烦和意外让杨和莎拉的感情出现了裂痕,对一切都感到力不从心的杨甚至开始怀疑,这真的就是他想要的生十分钟在线观看活吗?
超强押运人弗兰克·马丁(杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham 饰)平静的休电视剧悬崖40集免费看假再次被打破,一名驾驶着奥迪车的男人载着一名女孩在马赛横冲直撞,与此同时,商人约翰森(Robert Knepper 饰)为了向乌克兰运输有毒物质正与该国环境部长针锋相对。受伤的奥迪车司机闯入弗兰克家中,并死于手腕上的炸弹,他的幕后老板约翰森强迫弗兰克接替运送女孩的任务,被安装了手腕炸弹的弗兰克不得不就范,因为只要他离开车子75英尺炸弹就会引爆。后宫甄嬛传高清下载在前往布达佩斯的路上,弗兰克终于明白任务的真相:女孩瓦伦汀娜(Natalya Rudakova 饰)是乌克兰环境部长之女,约翰森为使部长批准他的计划而掳走瓦伦汀娜,在约翰森和部长两路人马的追击中,弗兰克该如何化解这次的危机?