搜索"克拉伦斯·布朗" ,找到 6部影视作品
When song-and-dance man Harry Van returns from World War I, he finds work hard to come by. His greatest success comes as straight man in a phony vaudeville mind-reading act with the tipsy Madame Zulieka. While on tour in Omaha he meets acrobat Irene Fellara, and they have a brief romance. Twenty years later while Harry is on tour in Europe with a troupe of leggy blonde dancers, his train is stopped at the Swiss border and he finds himself stranded in the Alps in anticipation of World War II hostilities. Harry and his chorines take refuge in an Alpine hotel with a group of disparate travelers who are also marooned there. Among them are an American pacifist, British newlyweds, a cancer researcher, a German munitions manufacturer, and a beautiful blonde expatriate Russian aristocrat who looks suspiciously like the Irene of two decades earlier.
The a云画的月光百度云dventurous Lady Edwina Esketh travels to the princely state of Ranchipur in India with her husband, Lord Albert Esketh, who is there to purchase some of the Maharajah's horses. She's surprised to meet an old friend, Tom Ransome who came to Ranchipur seven years before to moxia.cc paint the Maharajah's portrait and just stayed on. Ransome has developed something of a re神话电视剧 下载putation - for womanizing and drinking too much - but that's OK with Edwina who is bored and looking for fun. She soon meets the local doctor, the hard working and serious Major Rama Safti. He doesn't immediately respond to her advances but when the seasonal rains come, disaster strikes when a dam fails, flooding much of the countryside. Disease soon sets in and everyone, including Ransome and Edwina, work at a no小泽夏希n-stop pace to save as many as possible. Safti deeply admires Edwina's sacrifice but fate intervenes.
一场意外让宾虚(拉蒙·诺瓦罗 Ramon Novarro 饰)沦为了可以被随意买卖的奴隶,他被卖到了一艘兵舰上,成为了一名水手。某日,兵舰遭遇海盗的袭击,就在这生死存亡的紧要关头,身强体壮的宾虚成功挽救了兵舰司令电竞纪元官的性命,司令官感谢宾虚的救命之恩,不仅赋予了他自由,还将其收为养子。 之后,宾虚成为了一名角斗士,在竞技场里的歪歪漫画免费漫画页面在线看英勇表现很快便为他赢得了名声与荣誉,然而,他的扶摇直上亦遭到了旧有梅瑟拉(弗朗西斯X·布什曼 Francis X. Bushman 饰)的妒忌。梅瑟拉提出要和宾虚来一场战车竞赛,实则想要暗害宾虚,没想到奸计没有得逞,自己的战车却翻倒在地。
继承父亲遗产后于职场中杀伐决断、有所建树的中年女总裁,在爱情面前放弃独善其身的人生信条,同年轻下属走入婚姻殿堂,婚后发现丈夫与妹妹的秘密情事后毅然放手成全——影片的情节,如今看来已是人与狗行交视频老生常谈,但若论真正让本片熠熠生辉的原因,除了对于“社会性别期待“等经久不衰的议题的讨论,不可忽视的是主角波琳·弗雷德里克(Pauline Frederick)风趣、干练而又感人至深的表演。童年时期父母离异后被母亲抚养长大的波琳,自小便确立了演艺事业的理想,二十岁时便已担任巡回演出剧目的主角,虽然波琳·弗雷德里克在32岁时才出演了自己的银幕处女作——由休·福特和埃德温·鲍特指导的《不朽城》(The Eternal City, 1915),但她依旧是最早前往好莱坞发展的百老汇明星之一,后来也成为了最早接演“有声片”(波琳曾接受系统的声乐、表演训练)的知名演员之一。事业方面可谓风光的波琳,感情生活却不尽人意,前后共经历了五次颠沛起伏的婚姻,在第五任丈夫(婚后不到一年内)和母亲相继逝世后,波琳也因罹患哮喘而离世。曲折而不平凡的人生经历也或许赋予了她一种表演中的特质,帮助她塑造了一位女性兼具泼辣和敏感的银幕形象。 本片位列日本《电影旬报》1925年度十佳影片艺术类第六名。