搜索"马修·瑞斯" ,找到 34部影视作品
John Lyde
Copper Jack Stone purposefully orchestrates a bank robbery in order to be thrown into prison with the notorious Russian kingpin Balam. Balam is more than just a mob criminal; he"s a very cunning and dangerous lord who controls the police force from behind bars. Balam lives in prison as a cover for his real power, which is King of the city. His cell is a lavish p下一站是幸福免费rivate room built specifically for him, inaccessible to most in the depths of the prison structure. Even the warden fears venturing into his area of the prison. However, even surrounded by his loyal henchmen and guards in his sectioned off fortress, Balam doesn"t know Jack is coming for him to avenge his family, who Balam murdered in cold blood. Balam is tough... but Jack is tougher.
强尼(马修·瑞斯 Matthew Rhys 饰)是富家公子,约翰(重生之弑仙灭神马修·瑞斯 Matthew Rhys 饰)则是一个刚刚事业的教书匠,某日,身份和地位悬殊的两人于一间酒吧中相遇,令他们感到震惊的是,他们的相貌竟然一模一样。 强尼热情的请约翰喝酒,约翰不胜酒力不省人事,当他醒来时,发现自己躺在豪华旅馆的床榻上,而强尼和自己的行李一起不知所踪。就这样,约宝贝我会慢慢的不会疼翰代替强尼成为了大庄园的主人,亦见识到了贵族们埋藏在纸醉金迷华丽表象之下贪婪堕落的生活。善良天真的约翰决定善待周围的每一个人,从自己做起,逐渐改变整个庄园,仅mm356仅凭借他微薄的力量,约翰最终能够成功吗?