搜索"John" ,找到 1420部影视作品
大卫·凡·安肯,John Dahl,巴特·弗伦德里希,斯科特·怀南特,亚当·伯恩斯坦
showtime meijubar.net秋季档大作Ca二龙湖浩哥江湖学院lifornication(《加州靡情》),能让我们一睹X档案中特别探员Mulder多年后重返银幕后的风采。 showtime依然延续了严肃主题黑色幽默的传统,本片以小说家Hank Moody为线索,这样一个失意作家,在毒品与性爱中徘徊不前。女儿的负担,前妻的尴尬。如此男人,到底怎样过活,尽在Californication、 我们的X档案中那个意气风发的探员转眼成了失意作家,年近50的他和剧中主角Hank有颇多相似之处,从X档案的光环到如今平平反响,可以说这部剧集也算为他量身定做了。 短短半个小时的pilot中,主要角色关系十分微妙,戏剧冲突感十分强烈。除此之外,一向以热辣大胆风为主的有线台在本剧中也是挥毫泼墨,灵与肉的撞击,理智与欲望的冲突,层层交织。 Californication,为您讲述失意男人们的故事!
托碧波塞尔,泽尔达·亚当斯,托碧波塞尔 Toby Poser
In film, carnivals tend to be sceneries prone to terror. That mys2008新金瓶梅下载terious environment allows the Adams to play with the manias of Seven, Maggie and Eve, a family of carnies whose hobbies are presenting a show around the US and committing crimes all around the country during the Depression. When one of the killings goes wrong, young白蛇传说高清下载 Eve is forced to steal a devilish artifact in order to save her parents. This is only a part of the latest insanity by this trio of filmmakers, who once again provide the best example of the DIY model—not only do they direct the film, they also write, produce, edit, star in and musicalize it. We welcome you once more to the Adams family’s blood-dr西游记陈浩民版国语全集enched universe.
托碧波塞尔,泽尔达·亚当斯,托碧波塞尔 Toby Poser
In film, carnivals tend to be sceneries prone to terror. That mysterio一线完整版在线观看免费us environment allows the Adams to play with the manias of Seven, Maggie and Eve, a family of carnies whose hobbies are presenting a show around the US and committing crimes all around the country during the Depression. When one of the killings goes wrong, young Eve is forced to steal a devilish artifact in order to save her parents. This is only a part of the late美味儿媳读在线阅读st insanity by this trio of filmmakers, who once again provide the best example of the DIY model—not only do they direct the film, they also write, produce, edit, star in and musicalize it. We welcome you once more to the Adams family’s blood-drenched universe.
紀錄片導演班博曼原本想拍一部關於80年代紅極一時的魔術師「犀利喬納森」(The Amazing Johnathan) 的紀錄片。但當被拍者反客為主,故佈迷陣把導演耍得暈頭轉向,這個亂局可以怎樣收科?事緣最初喬納森青鸟之家被診斷患上心臟病,只剩下一年命,被迫退休;但三年後,喬納森死唔去,決定東山再起。導演班博曼於是決定追蹤拍攝他的復出巡迴表演,豈料喬納森这个小岛上栖息着荒邪之物突然玩嘢,將班博曼殺個措手不及,令拍攝工作遇上許多未知數和障礙。但班博曼將局面扭轉,順勢進一步探討何謂真相,何謂假象。看來導演才是真正的魔術師,化腐朽為神奇把差點爛尾的紀錄片起死回生!
Caye Casas,Alejandro Damiani,Andrew Desmond,Carlos Goitia,Mat Johns,达米安·莱韦克,文森特·帕兰德,阿尔伯特·平托,Denis Walgenwitz,Hendryk Witscherkowsky,Adam O'Brien,Nicolás Onetti
Brandon prepares to give his last stand-up comedy show. As his stories and jokes pass, the publ太通透什么毛都看见了时装ic begins to cheer up. But at that precise moment Brandon will realize that these stories have a 步步惊心完整版strong relationship with his past. More than he imagines.
Kat Emerson could really use a Christmas miracle! The aspiring singer-songwriter may have big dreams, but she has even bigger problems. Treated like a servant by her vain stepmother and self-involved stepsisters, Kat is forced into a demoralizing job as a singing elf at billionaire Terrence Wintergardenâ€TMs Santa Land. But there is one bright spot to the job: Nick, the handsome new Santa at the tree lot. W青苹果乐园电视剧全集hen Kat gets invited to the prestigious Wintergarden Christmas Gala, her stepfamily is determined to prevent her from attending and snag their own invitation. Could an attentive dog, a loyal BFF and a sprinkling of holiday magic help turn things around for Kat? Join Laura Marano (Disneyâ€TMs Austin & Ally), Gregg Sulkin (Marvelâ€TMs Runaways) and Isabella初婚 电视剧 Gomez (One Day at a Time) in this modern-day reimagining of the cherished classic, featuring original music and holiday favorites.
1927年,由唐·洛克伍德(吉恩·凯利 饰)和丽娜·雷蒙德(简·哈根 饰)主演的《皇家流氓》在好莱坞首映。由于丽娜刺耳的鬼娃娃花子百度影音嗓音无法匹配其夺目的外貌,为了维护明星形象,宣传部只得安排唐一人讲话。首映后,由于钢琴师科斯莫·布朗(唐纳德·奥康纳 饰)的汽车爆胎,为了躲避疯狂的影迷,唐意外结识了能歌善舞的远大前程第二部凯西·塞尔登(黛比·雷诺斯 饰),并被其深深吸引。数周后,首部有声电影《爵士歌手》爆红,唐与丽娜的新片《决斗骑士》不得不临时改变拍摄方式,而凯西也成为歌舞片演员。因预映口碑极差,科斯莫提议将《决斗骑士》改为歌舞片,由凯西为丽娜配音,凯西积极附议。与凯西吻别后,唐心花怒放,在雨中载歌载舞。科斯莫的计划能否奏效?幕后的终极蜘蛛侠第二季凯西能否走到台前接受观众的掌声?