搜索"Ford" ,找到 288部影视作品
故事讲述一宗牵涉六个受害人的谋杀案,他们被肢解并缝合成一个怪诞的尸体,尸体被称为「Ragdoll」。这宗震惊社会的案件由刚回复职务的伦敦警察厅侦缉警长Nath长津湖免费观看完整版an Rose (Henry Lloyd-Hughes饰)、前者好友兼上司侦缉警长Emily Baxter (Thalissa Teixeira饰)以及警员Lake Edmunds(Lucy Hale饰演)负责调查;当「尸偶杀手微笑在我心全集」为了嘲笑警方,向他们发送一张包括Nathan Rose在上面的新受害人名单后,主角们将承受前所未有的压力。
Following on from The Field of Blood, this new story is based on the second in the Paddy Meehan series, the Dead Hour. We follow Paddy as she tri国语版泰国电视剧真爱无价es to make a career for herself against the backdrop of the miner's strike and the changing face of journalism. Paddy now has her dream job, working the night shift on the call car with fellow reporter McVie. All this changes with the arrival of a new editor in c扫黑风暴2021在线观看免费完整版hief. Meanwhile, an innocuous call to a disturbance in a posh area of Glasgow leads Paddy to uncover a cold-blooded murder.
《叫她一周立波秀2013系主任》讲述金智允博士(吴珊卓 Sandra Oh 饰)在声名显赫的彭布罗克大学当上英文系系主任,她正努力适应这个新岗位。她是学校首位女系主任,更是大学职员之中少数的有色人种,必然要应付一般人不会面对的种种挑战。《叫她系主任》由吴珊卓、Jay Duplass、Holland Tay张杰和谢娜结婚lor、卜巴拉宾 (Bob Balaban)、Nana Mensah、大卫摩斯 (D蓝色生死恋之芯爱avid Morse) 和 Everly Carganilla 主演,8 月 20 日在 Netflix 首播。
本剧由《莫斯探长前传 Endeavour》主创Russell Lewis负责,改编自Peter James的「Roy Grace」小说系列。首季由2个120分钟的故事组成,分别改编自小说《Dead Simple》及《Looking Goo四虎影视最新的2021版地址d Dead》。 剧集讲述警司主角Roy Grace(John Simm饰)的事业因其非传统手法而处于低迷,而且妻子Sandy的失踪也一直困扰着他。此时警探Glenn Branson向他寻求协助,他手中有案件是准新郎因告别单身派对后的恶作剧而失踪;接手了案件的Roy凭着直觉﹑猜疑﹑执着而不停飞飞电影网追查新郎的下落,并因此接触了准新娘。
Ewan McGregor impresses in Niclas Larsson's star-studded psychological indie drama based on Jerker Virdborg's novella. Three siblings converge in a furniture store in the middle of nowhere. Here, their mother, portrayed by Ellen Burstyn, has barricaded 超碰caopro熟女m超碰分类herself on a couch. David (McGregor) does his best to diplomatically try to resolve the situation, but the other siblings (Rhys Ifans, Laura Flynn Boyle) seem to take the situation with frustrating nonchalance. And while the mother's stationary position on the couch brings forth Norenesque family conflicts to the surface, the furniture store appears increasingly labyrinthine, and David is chased through a never-ending Kubrickian nightmare with a desperate look in his eyes. Swedish director Niclas Larsson (Vatten, GFF 2013) returns to Gothenburg after a period in international advertising with a charged psychological drama that not only impresses with its star-studded cast.
David Sant
We follow the hits and (more often than not) the misses of two hapless, dead-broke contract killers who frankly, are more of a danger to themselves than to anyone else. Each episode sees Fran (Sue Perkins) and Jamie (Mel Giedroyc) try to track down an99re8在线视频精品d kill a different target. But every hit turns into a shambles of mistaken identities, mistimed entrances and misfiring weapons. Whether it’s losing their target in the woods or not being sure which one of a pair of identical twins they’re supposed to be killing, things rarely go according to plan.
Darren Berry
Old scho06年nba总决赛ol friends go on a paintball trip, miles away from civilization. Things go horribly wrong when they discover a cold-blooded masked killer is among them. Now they must fight to survive t苏玥与马老二的故事heir school reunion.
哈利·道尔顿博士(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)是美国地质勘探中心的一名火山学专家,这次他被派到但丁峰上的一个小城镇视察,而小城镇所在的但丁峰正是华盛顿附近的一座休眠火山。哈利来到镇上,恰逢市长蕾切尔(琳达·汉密尔顿 Lin飞花青离传txt下载da Hamilton 饰)在主持庆祝活动,因为小镇刚刚获得了全美最佳居住环境第二名的大奖。蕾切尔与她的两个孩子带哈利四处参观,路过温泉湖畔,哈利注意到湖水酸度过高,并发现了两具煮熟的浮尸。哈利顿感情况不妙,火山极有可能喷发,并建议蕾切尔发布预警,然而与哈利同行的上司保罗却认为他是反应过度,并打算在一周的勘探任务完成后打道回府,镇委会也出于种种利益目的,拒绝发布预警。然而就在一天夜里,镇上的水突然被硫磺污染,而这正是火山喷发的前极速天使迅雷下载兆,蕾切尔立即启动了全民撤离计划,然而她的母亲却在山腰上拒绝撤离。就在此时,火山已不可遏止地喷发了……
艾德娜(罗苹·纳文 Robyn Nevin 饰)虽然年事已高但一直过着独居生活。一天,她的女儿凯(艾米莉·莫迪默 Emily Mortimer 饰)和孙女山姆(贝拉·希思科特 Bella Heathcote 饰)接到了警方的来电,告知了她们艾德娜失踪的消息。震惊之余,两人急急忙忙的赶回了祖宅。 搜索行动刚刚展开没多久,艾德娜竟然自己又出现了。对于失踪的这几天的经历,艾德娜只口不提,大家也只能够以她换上了阿兹海默症来解释这一切。艾德娜的回归让大家都松了一口气,但谁知未闻花名真人版道悲剧才刚刚开始,回家后的艾德娜一改往日的心性,就仿佛变了一个人一样,有时候她的举动甚至让凯和山姆感到恐惧。
《憨豆先生》(Mr. Bean)是英国BBC电视台的招牌喜剧,以半小时剧集形式播放,第一季共计14集。罗温·艾金森担吸血夜惊魂当剧中主角,并建立了其形象。第一集于1990年1月1日在英国首播,而大结局则于1995年10月31日播出。 憨豆先生(罗温·艾金森 Rowan Atkinson 饰)是个“有一点笨拙、有一点幼稚、有一点单向思维、有一点腼腆、又有一点短路的家伙,做着单一的事情,穿着单一的衣服。憨豆先生有一个亲密的伙伴,就是他常常随身携带心爱的泰迪熊,连睡觉也要抱着。他平日的穿着则是非常典型的英国保守中产阶级的装扮。剧中对白极少,几乎都是靠“丰富的肢体动作”和“变化多端的表情”来呈现。
Harley Hefford,Evan J. Martin
It is Friday night and five friends gather at a house in rural Australia. Their parents are out of town and it is time to celebrate the end of another school week. No big deal; just a few drinks, a few laughs. As the night grows later, the teens reach a state of alcohol-induced openness. They reveal secrets, crushes and an unintentionally cruel streak. The final year of high school can be paradoxical. Having found some passions and close friends, you often begin to understand your own identity for the first time. And yet, still so young, you can't deny that you've so much to learn about yourself and the world. Maybe, despite thirteen straight years of schooling, you kind of我的好妈妈5在线观看版 don't know anything. A tribute to an awkward phase that we have all made it through and have powerful memories of, About An Age is a nostalgic coming-of-age film. With charm and authenticity, it examines themes of responsibility, first love and the passing of time via one single evening shared by a group of playful mates.
Mile Radford
Never before has money been so polarised in Britain. The richest 85 people now own more than half the UK population. The ris四房搜搜e of the Super Rich has meant that wealth in the UK is dividing our society at an extraordinary rate - but how and why did it happen? In this two-part series, Jacques Peretti explores how the Super Rich are transforming the very fabric of British society. Why 螺丝小姐要出嫁have the Super Rich flocked to Britain, angba游戏下载中心d why does it matter to us? Peretti examines how the wealth of the top one percent of society does not exist in a bubble, but directly affects all of our lives.