搜索"Ak" ,找到 2709部影视作品
James Bluemel
Docum和老板在办公室BDents the journeys of people trying to reach the safety of Britain and other countries in Europe. From families forced to flee war and persecution, to economic migrants searching for a more prosperous life,刀锋战士4 the series will feature the journeys of over 70 people filmed in 26 countries. Keo gave cameraphones to migrants so they could capture some of the most perilous parts of their journeys that co好男人视频影院高清在线观看uldn’t otherwise be filmed, resulting in a series which offers a unique and extremely personal insight into the largest period of migration in Europe since the Second World War.
Eduard Cortés,Menna Fité
TV series about a high school philos国内色图ophy teacher, Merlí, who teaches in an original way, and about the students of his c两个人看的片BDlass, including his own son, and the relationship, friendship, love, and problems between the students of the class.
康沃尔渔村的风景明信片田园诗误导了人们。虽然过去钓鱼是一种养家糊口的方式,但如今富有的伦敦游客纷纷下山,取代了当地人,当地人的生计因此受到威胁。史蒂文和马丁兄弟的关系也很紧张。马丁是一个没有船的渔夫,因为史蒂文开始用它来为一整天的游客提供更赚钱的旅游。他们卖掉了这座家庭别第一会所s墅,现在看来,最后一场战斗是和新主人在海边的停车位上展开。然而,情况很快就失控了,而不仅仅是因为车轮夹钳。 Bait是一种黑白,手工制作,16毫米胶片制作的电影。许多关于鱼、网、龙虾、长靴、绳结和渔篮的特写镜头让人想起了蒙太奇景点的理论。对不同社会阶层的描述——可以说是阶级关系——也让人想起了英国电影中的社会现实主义传统。然而,最重要的是,在影像中不同层次的电影历史参考文献之下,当前许多政治关联正在等待被发现。 The picture-postcard idyll of the Cornwall fishing village is misleading. While fishing used to be a way of supporting oneself, wealthy London tourists have now descended and are displacing the locals, whose livelihood is thus threatened. The relationship between brothers Steven and Martin is also strained. Martin is a fisherman without a boat, since Steven started using it for far more lucrative tours for all the day-trippers. They’ve sold the family cottage and now it seems that the final battle to be fought is that with the new owners over the parking space next to the sea. Yet the situation soon gets out of hand, and not just because of the wheel clamp. Bait is a black-and-white film shot on hand-processed 16mm. Numerous close-ups of fish, nets, lobsters, wellington boots, knots and catch baskets bring to mind the theory of a montage of attractions. The depiction of the different social strata – one could speak of class relations – is also reminiscent of the tradition of social realism in British cinema. Above all, however, a whole lot of current political relevance is waiting to be discovered beneath the different layers of film historical references contained in the images.
本剧改编自David Nicholls的同名畅销小说《一天》。 1988年7月15日,Emma Morley(安比卡·茂德 Ambika Mod 饰)和Dexter Mayhew(最近的好电影利奥·伍德尔 Leo Woodall 饰)迎来了自己的毕业之夜。尽管大学即将结束,不过这是两人第一次跟彼此说话,第二天早上他们便各奔东西了。第二年、第三年,以及接下来的每一年,在这平凡的一天,他们会是什么样子呢?每年的这一天,Dex和Em都大了一岁,他们见证了彼此的成长变化,经历了分分合合,体会了喜怒哀乐。
Tania Rakhmanova,Tim Stirzaker
Part 1 Origin of Brexit Part 2 The effects on the EU of Obama Overthrow of U.S. Ally President Gaddaffi destabilized Africa refugees fleeing to EU December 2011 Obama's Syrian Rebels of Al Quada's Ansar Al Islam Defeated fleeing to German新不了情 电影y. Part 1 Origin of the idea of the British Exit (Brexit) from the European Union (EU), Part 2 The effects on the EU of Obama Overthrow of U.S. Ally President Gaddaffi refugees fleeing to EU December 2011 Obama's Syrian Rebels of Al Quada's Ansar Al Islam Defeated fleeing to Germany.
Isara Nadee
当年阿迪和凯仁两个搞怪老板用灵异事件吓唬加班骗钱的员工,最终导致阿波秘密教学漫画画免费阅读土豪和小萤意外身亡。事后凯仁重伤住院,阿迪遭受巨大的阴影,她们共同的好友阿丁则暂时打理公司的业务。虽然小萤的鬼魂至今徘徊在公司大楼内,可是新来的阿丁似乎决然不吸取教训,继续和阿迪吓唬着手下的员工。某天,他们的老同学阿谭和安找上门来,要求该公司为他们策划一场创意无限的婚礼。可是由把可爱的男孩子C到哭的故事于当年的一段往事,安又极度憎恨阿迪,似乎想借此机会报仇。 为了扭新金瓶梅龚玥菲完整版转公司的困境,二人接手这项业务,并且准备在一座传说中闹鬼的旅馆内举行典礼。鬼影幢幢的夜晚,意外接二连三……
安吉丽娜·朱莉通过Netflix宣布,她将执导该公司出品的全新电影作品《First They Killed My Father》。影片聚焦红色高棉政权时期的柬埔寨,其养子马多克斯将出演。 影片改编自柬埔寨裔美国女性作家Loung Ung的回忆录《First They Killed My Father: A Daugher of Cambodia Re英雄传说直播members》,讲述了她在柬埔寨红色高棉统治时期的悲惨求生经历。Loung Ung出生于1970年的柬埔寨,5年后,红色高棉(即柬埔寨民主党)成为执政党,建立民主柬埔寨政权,并于随后在柬埔寨展开了近四年的管制时期。在此期间,约有两百万柬埔寨人因为政治迫害、饥荒、劳役、疾病等原因非正常死亡。在这场劫难中Loung Ung的家庭破碎,成为孤儿的她被训练为童子军,而她的兄弟姐妹则被送去劳改营。
《东方男孩》是关于东欧少年的巴黎街头故事。从波兰、俄罗斯、罗马尼亚等国家非法进入法国的少年被称为“东方男孩”。他们大多刚成年,最大不会超过2官魂5岁,每天在地铁站等公共场所逡巡游荡。有的会主动搭讪和提供性服务,但由此带来的后果往往难料。主人公丹尼尔(Olivier Rabo urdin 饰)是位事业有成的中年白领,他在巴黎北站广场邂逅站街的乌克兰男生马列克(Kirill Emelyanov 饰),情不自禁的被对方吸引。两人约定时间和费用后,丹尼尔在家等待马列克造访,不料却等来一个暴力构织的黑色陷阱...... 《东方男孩》导演罗宾·康皮洛是法国著名电影人,由他和劳伦·冈泰编剧的《墙壁之间》曾获2008年戛纳电影节金棕榈奖。《东方男孩》是罗宾·康皮洛第二部导演作品。电影以诗意的画面和稳静的剧情讲述一个男人与一个男孩从情欲纠缠到相濡以沫的特别故事,不但记录了国色天香在线观看街头移民少年的生存状态,而且展示了阶级、年龄、贫富差距等各种法国社会问题。《东方男孩》获第70届威尼斯电影节地平线单元最佳影片奖。
Martin Horský
Women on the Run. Vera has lived a wonderful life with Jindrich, and she is fully determined to fulfill his last wish - running a marathon. The emancipated and spirited mother of three daughters doesn't think that doing温碧霞电影惊变 so will be a problem. She and her daughters will split up the route into four parts, and they'll overcome the over 42-kilometer-long challenge as a family relay team. Of course, the fact that neither of them has ever ran even a meter poses no problem.