搜索"Eli" ,找到 1497部影视作品
Denis Dercourt
马蒂厄(文森特·佩雷斯 Vincent Perez 饰)是一位小有名气的钢琴家,由于将全部的精力都投入到了事业之中,马蒂厄忽略了妻子让娜(安·玛丽文 Anne Marivin 饰)的感受,最终,两人的婚姻走向了破裂,让娜决定和马蒂厄分居。为了排遣心中的郁闷,马蒂厄决定回到母亲的家乡,希望那里的回忆和淳朴的民风能够抚慰自己受伤的心灵。 在家乡,马蒂厄再度见到了久违的弟弟保罗(杰瑞米·雷乃 Jérémie Renier 饰),此时的保罗正沉迷于之中古怪的活动之中,而这活动也深深的吸引了马蒂厄。然而,在这个活动中,原本虚构的一切渐渐开始入侵马午夜dj视频在线直播蒂厄的现实。
Özlem Yasar
Zehra, a female Kurdish fighter, faces the deadly t尖刀战士电视剧全集hreat of ISIS while guiding her fellow fighters to defend their city,镜中影 Kobane. A real story of war, sacrifice, love and hope that left the whole world on te霸王别姬 电影 1993nterhooks.
Sarah Elizabeth Mintz
Struggling to fit in in her new school and reeling from the fallout of her pa77uuurent’s recent divorce, lonely LA high schooler Jane falls in with a rambunctiou没钱离婚by首初s crowd, and becomes smitten with their charming drug supplier, Jamie. Jane’s thrilling, new, drug-fueled popularity soon spirals 我们约会吧在线观看downward into the dark and ugly, her family helpless to pull her out of a world she’s reluctant to leave.
退休女教师布拉加最近丧偶,她心心念念要为刚离世的丈夫买一块墓地,但一通始料未及的冒名来电,却将她体面的生活给彻底改变。冷漠的儿子、失能的警局、嗜血的媒体、现实的社会,都让惨遭骗钱的她四处求助无门。在这个狗咬狗的残暴世界,投身罪恶的渊薮,竟成了她唯一的去路。布拉加收到了一 份诱人的工作邀约,虽然可疑,但她决定冒险出击,借此夺回人血族第二季下载生的主导权。事情果然有了意外发展,现金更是滚滚而来。但这次要付出的,却是她最珍贵的品格,以及信奉不渝的价值观。她也从一名被害者,逐步变成了共犯。
罗伯特·肯纳,Melissa Robledo
Turbo chickens, plant-based steaks and a pandemic. A lot has happened since the first 'Food Inc.' film, and it's time for a fresh in-depth look at the food industry and at possible solutions. Organic food is taking up more and more space on supermarket shelves and local vegetable markets are popping up in more and more neighbourhoods. But there are also more and more people on the planet, and 15 years after the Oscar-nominated mega hit ‘Food Inc.’, it turns out that the modern food industry still needs a thorough overhaul. This is exactly what we get here, and you don’t need to have seen the first film to understand just what an incredible impact agriculture and the food industry has not only on what we eat, but on the world arou飞燕惊龙在线观看nd us. Directing duo Melissa Robledo and Robert Kenner uncover everything from monopolisation, lobbying and the logic of capitalism to what exactly happens in your brain when you eat a McDonald’s burger. But they also look at possible solutions and what the kitchen of the future might look like.
Harry Bromley Davenport
影片根据真实事件改编; 在洛杉矶有这样一个家庭,丈夫贝斯患有严重的心理疾病,自从他的母亲去世后,这种情况变本加厉。他不但限制家人的自由,更把只有四岁的小女儿卡蒂囚禁起来,并加以残酷的虐待。转眼之间八年过去了,卡蒂已经变成一个十二岁的小女孩,但却始终过着与世隔绝的生活。由于错过了最佳的语言学习时期,她甚至还不会说话,面对这一切,温顺的妻子斯坦蒂只能忍气吞声。但丈夫日益不正常的举动,让她似乎预感到了什么。为了挽救小女儿的生命,在儿子的帮助下,斯坦蒂带着卡蒂逃了出来并向警察求救。一时间,被囚禁八年,几乎像野人一样的小女孩卡蒂成为了社会的焦点,每天都有数不清的记者和好奇的人们想要一探究竟。 在大学主修语言学的学生桑德拉在格雷斯教授的带领下,也来到了这个城市,这一次,他们厚颜无耻无删减版电影的任务是证明在语言最佳学习期后,仍然可以学会说话。桑德拉的出现,改变了卡蒂的命运。卡蒂第一次见到桑德拉就对她产生了好感,而在桑德拉的内心里也油然而生一种怜爱之感。在这段日子里,桑德拉教卡蒂说话,做游戏,照顾地无微不至,而小女孩的情况也似乎有所好转。但这些却遭到了研究所里女医师朱蒂的质疑和讽刺。朱蒂认为只有自己才可以接近小女孩,并想利用对卡蒂的治疗使自己功成名就,自私的治疗动机带给卡蒂更大的伤害。。她采取卑劣的手段,获得批准让卡蒂在她的家里治疗。卡蒂从魔窟中逃脱,却又陷入了另一次囚禁。 卡蒂目前的状况让桑德拉十分担心,她恳求同时研究员的诺曼帮助。但好景不长,在朱蒂的诱导下,卡蒂的生母斯坦蒂执意让女儿回到自己的家,而在那不久,朱蒂又接手了这个案子。桑德拉从中做了许多工作,甚至想收养卡蒂,但一切都于事无补,并且被禁止与卡蒂见面。
y80 聚焦里约热内卢贫民区的残酷故事,“魔鬼也会叹息着转身的地方”。这部新的剧集继续由电影版导演费尔南多·梅里尔斯打造,他透露:电影讲的是当地社区的缺陷,剧版则将讲述这些社区的力量。
Set in a girls' boarding school in Venice at the end of the 18th century, Gloria! tells thav电影下载地址e story of Teresa, a young visionary, who, together with a small group of extraordinary musicians,把可爱的男孩子C到哭的故事 crosses the centuries and challenges the 3366单人小游戏大全dusty catafalques of the Ancien Régime by inventing rebellious, light and modern music. Pop!
Justin Denton
Directed by Justin Denton, the pic tells the story of Rick, a 月光加速器poor construction worker, who makes a deal with a dying business mogul to inherit his business empire and property worth billions. The deal is that once the man dies, Rick must eat a lavish meal of the dead man’s corpse. In doing so, he unwittingly inherits the many gruesome sins and crimes the billiona黄瓜视频app下载ios 版ire committed in order to build his fortune. Rick’s newfound wealth and lifestyle are soon interrupted by increasingly disturbing and dangerous visions of the billionaire’s victims. Rick comes to understand that his inheritance is not a blessing but a t蜘蛛侠英雄远征3errifying curse that threatens his life, his loved ones, and even his very soul.
安德鲁·库瑞,Andrew Currie
“THE INVISIBLES” is a visually stunning story about an alternate dimension that exists in the same time and space as our own. Charlie (Tim Blake Nelson) and Hanna (Lucy Liu) are in crisis and facing the end of their marriage, when Charlie literally starts to di乡村爱情12免费观看sappear. As he fades from the world, he discovers a new world of INVISIBLES; people who have disappeared just like him and who now exist in an alternate reality that shares the same physical space as the r喜爱夜蒲2 电影eal world, but have no ability to impact it. Invisibility offers Charlie many benefits. Money is no longer required, there are limitless opportunities to eat and drink anything and everything where and when he wants and being invisible he gets to behave however he likes. But better than that, he lives in a place where emotional pain and personal trauma are now forgotten. Yet Charlie keeps being drawn back to his old life, visiting 千军问道his wife Hanna even though she no longer sees him. As he starts to see their marriage from her point of view and face the tragic loss of their six-year-old son, he soon realises that he must fight to return to reality, and learns that living in the present and looking to the future is the key to life.
恍如希腊神话代达罗斯的迷宫,别出心裁的螺2020版 鹿鼎记 旋形设计时装表演,令升任高级时装品牌艺术总监的艾利斯,继承大师成为巴黎时尚界新宠。弃绝过去一切,自我孤立另创新天,但当父亲死讯倏然传来,他不得不返回魁北克故居处理后事,不料发现令人震惊的秘密。害怕天之骄子蜡造翅膀被溶掉妖精的尾巴中文网,他唯有承传父亲罪孽,直坠无间地狱。延续《监护权争战》对父权暗黑暴力的探索,勒格朗混合新黑色、惊栗、悬疑等类型,层层旋入男性心理黑洞,撰成现代悲剧神话。&鬼吹灯之黄皮子坟电影lt;/p>