搜索"lou" ,找到 515部影视作品
As its title suggests THE FABULOUS WORLD OF JULES VERNE is an awe -inspiring, 一路向西快播meticulous cinematic rendering of the aesthetic and conceptual inventions of proto-science fiction genius Jules Verne, based on one of the famed author's lesser known short stories. However, the real star of the film is the intricate art direction, successfully rendering the visual style of nineteenth century woodcuts and engravings into motion pictures, creating a stylized and surreal graphic world within which Verne’s fanciful tale unfolds. A brilliant scientist, Dr. Roche, perches high above a stormy sea, inventin柯南最新剧场版2021g a powerful explosive, when he and his assistant are kidnapped by an evil businessman, Artigas. Taken by submarine to Artigas' volcano headquarters, Roche is tricked into developing his experiment for evil intentions. The scientist’s assistant, Simon, struggles all the while to free himself and warn Roche. A magical world of baroque submarines and sailing ships, killer octopus, undersea bicycles dazzles audiences as human actors, puppetry, animation and fanciful scenic design interac地宝网招聘信息t to create a cinematic experience that is unique by any standards. Mixing slapstick comedy, action adventure pacing and Mélies style film magic, this little known Czechoslovakian gem transcends the juvenile literature at its source to create cinematic art of the highest order....
痴迷脱口秀笑话表演的鲁帕(Robert De Niro 饰)梦想自己也能站在舞台上享受观众的欢呼,借疯狂粉丝玛莎(Sandra Bernhard 饰)创造的机会,鲁帕得以和脱口秀明星杰瑞交谈,鲁帕踌躇满志的自我介绍,虽然杰瑞敷衍了事,但鲁帕仍视自己为杰瑞的好友。为了能在心爱的丽塔面前出人头地,鲁帕不惜一些代价要获得与杰瑞同台表演的机会,另一方面杰瑞被鲁帕的纠缠搞到忍无可忍,将鲁帕与并不知情的丽塔赶出家门。杰瑞的行为激怒了鲁帕,他与玛莎合作绑架杰瑞,威胁电视台播放自己的表演,鲁帕终于如愿以偿,掀起一场偷窥之电车痴汗轩然大波…… 本片获1984年英国电影学院奖最佳剧本奖,1984年伦敦影评人协会奖年度电影奖,1984年全美影评人协会奖最佳女配角奖。
Travis Zariwny
在一个阳光明媚的日子里,凯伦(盖琦·格莱特利 Gage Golightly 饰)、保罗(塞缪尔·戴维斯 Samuel Davis 饰)、杰夫(马修·达达里奥 Matthew Daddario 饰)、玛茜(娜蒂安·克劳克 Nadine Crocker 饰)、伯特(达斯汀·英格拉姆 Dustin傅夜沉诺筱颖免费阅读 Ingram 饰)等五位好友来到了一个远离城市喧嚣的山林度假。男男女女尽情享受浪漫时光,脑子有点儿二的伯特则拿着半自动步枪玩耍,却不小心伤到了路人。夜幕降临,他们回到小屋休息。而就在此时辛福魔方,被伯特射伤的男人前来求救。伯特为了隐藏真相谎称该男子被神秘病毒感染,以致于众人下狠手将其拒之门外。 这一事件彻底摧毁了他们的假期,等待几个年轻人的还有更为恐怖的事情……
安哲罗普洛斯《希腊现代史三部曲》之一,使得他在国际影坛渐露头角。故事以1936年梅塔萨克将军在希腊开始实行专制独裁为背景,描写一个政治犯劫持来探东京热电影网访的议员,并以他作为人质来要挟政府。政府为了除掉这个麻烦,用尽各种手段,最后用狙击手把他击毙。 安哲用长镜头和360度摇移运动镜头的写媚眼激情夜实风格烘托渲染了当时春妮令人窒息的社会氛围。讲述了一个关于政治压迫的寓言。有犯罪悬疑片成分的剧情把矛头指向迈塔克萨斯将军为总理的专制政权实行的严密控制人民思想的社会制度。
1942年,生活在斯德哥尔摩的瑞典籍美国石油商人埃里克•埃里克森突然发现自己上了美国的纳粹合作者黑名单,急于辨白。而这一切是盟军情报机关的安排,意在逼迫埃里克成为间谍,因为他可以方便地进出德国。无奈的埃里克只得就范,他开始公开表现亲近纳粹,甚至不惜伤害最亲密的犹太人朋友坎普尔。朋友和亲人们都疏远了他,但只有武林怪兽评价坎普尔暗中相信埃里克这样做必有难言的原因。 很快,埃里克就和德国人拉上了关系,并将德国石油业巨头格哈德•奥伦道夫爵士、石油商人奥托•豪兹拉下水,组成一个间谍小组,他的代号为“莱德”。 同时,埃里克与笃信宗www kkbobo com教的德国地下抵抗组织成员玛丽亚娜取得联络,乔装成情人幽会,骗过监视的盖世太保,不断将她提供的情报记忆下来后带回瑞典。埃里克与玛丽亚娜为了事业均是家庭不幸,两个人倾心相恋。埃里克虽是谍海新兵,但他沉着坚毅,多次避过危险。 在奥伦道夫的努力下,埃里克获准在瑞典为德国“建设”炼油厂,于是得到了参观德国石油工厂的机会,一次,埃里克与奥伦道夫目睹纳粹绞死罢工工人的场面,被深深触动,开始由被迫工作转向自觉行动。他们的情报使盟军得以准确轰炸,令德国损失惨重。 一段时间后,奥托因病去世,由于密信可能泄露,盟军情报机关决定停止埃里克小组的活动。但埃里克惦念玛丽亚娜,同时也为了取回至关重要的纳粹航空燃料生产情报,他毅然再次前往德国。埃里克一到柏林就被关进盖世太保监狱,并亲眼看到因身份暴露被捕的玛丽亚娜殉难。但他强忍悲痛,咬定自己只是玛丽亚娜的情人,盖世太保没有证据只好放人。 埃里克从格哈德处拿到情报,又前往汉堡销毁奥托的密信,不料被跟随的盖世太保察觉。埃里克机大神与七位伙伴第二季智逃脱,并与汉堡的盟国谍报网取得联系,在地下组织和丹麦百姓的帮助下,埃里克越过边境,经哥本哈根渡过海峡,安全返回瑞典。
1815年6月18日早晨,惠灵顿公爵所指挥的部队,聚集在比利时一个名为滑铁卢的小镇营地里。连绵不断的降雨带来了痛苦、潮湿和寒冷给士兵。但是这些士兵将会感谢这场从前夜就开始下的大雨,因为这场夏日暴雨不仅挽救了很多人的生命,同时,也即将改写了整个欧洲的历史,就是在这儿──滑铁卢战场。 滑铁卢这场战役,是以拿破仑为首的法国军队独力抵抗以奥地利、普鲁士、俄国、英国为首的联盟国。拿破仑是个自信而又轻视敌人的人。他从未和惠灵顿交锋过,他相信惠灵顿不会在滑铁卢进行顽强抵抗。他期望一次进攻就能将惠灵顿赶下山脊,逼他後退。因此他根本没有料到会有一场大规模的战斗。 战事一开始,法国好不容易才击败英国的先锋,但是法军的实力已被削弱了大半。当联军越接近法军,法军的士气越下降,军队也发生了骚动。不久,法军迅雷在线电影被彻底击败,这场战役只是打了一整日便结束。 滑铁卢战役很特殊,因爲它是极少数单凭一场战斗就蠃得决定性胜利的战役。在这之後,几乎没有单凭一场战斗就能决定整个战争结局的战役,但这场战役做到了。滑铁卢战役的胜利使惠灵顿公爵成爲英雄,受到人民的热烈欢迎。而拿破仑的命运则是无比凄凉,他被流放在大西洋圣赫伦岛。在那里,拿破仑度过了他的馀生,昔日那位骄傲的皇帝,亦慢慢的消失在这个废墟中。
IMDB简介:Dominique Marceau is on trial for the murder of Gilbert Tellier. The counsels duel relentle5G影院 天天5G天天看ssly, elaborating explanations for why the pretty, idle and fickle girl killed the talented and ambitious conductor freshly graduated from the conservatory. Was it passion, vengeance, desperation, an accident? The acquaintances of Gi泷泽萝拉 快播lbert testify, as well as Dominique's former lovers, and her sister, Annie, the studious violin player engaged to Gilbert. The evidence they give progressively paints a more finely-shaded picture of the personalities of Dominique and Gilbert, and o陆小凤传奇高清下载f their relationship, than the eloquent and convincing justifications of the counsels. Written by Eduardo Casais
Costas Kapakas
卡罗索(乔治斯·科拉菲斯 George年轻的母亲中字巴巴鱼汤饭s Corraface 饰)因为要参加同学聚会,而回到了阔别已久的故乡,在那里,熟悉的景象勾起了他无数的回忆,也让那个隐藏在他回忆深处的人影渐渐清晰起来。这个人是卡罗索的表妹马丽娜(Markella Pappa 饰),两人是青梅竹马的玩伴,整天就在一起虚度无忧无虑的童年。随着年龄的增长,卡罗索和马丽娜都渐渐意识到两人之间性别的不同,本来单纯的友谊也慢慢变新版水浒传全集成了爱情,此时,卡罗索的父母选择将儿子送进了教会学校,两人的缘分就此终结。 一晃眼多年过去,卡罗索如他童年时代许下的愿望那般,真的成为了一名飞机工程师,同学聚魔神与修罗会当天,他意外的接到了来自马丽娜的电话。
本片根据真实故事改编。 1957年,苏联卫星发射成功,美国民众萌发了危机意识。一个矿井小镇的普通高中生霍默(杰克·吉 性船 完整版高清在线观看伦哈尔 Jake Gyllenhaal 饰)此刻却为自己的未来忧虑,他在球队选拔中落选,而体魄强健的哥哥一直更受父亲约翰(克里斯女教师日记2·库珀 Chris Cooper 饰)认可,不甘于平庸的霍默萌生了制作火箭的想法,在老师和朋友们的支持下,霍默全身心投入了研究,老师更带来了他可以通过火箭制作进入大学学习的机会。而另一方面,身为大地影院神马矿井负责人的约翰希望儿子继承矿井,对他的研究加以阻扰,同时警方也为山林失火事件终止了霍默的活动,这个年轻人还能获得自己想要的成功么?
IMDB简介 Pierre married Florence, the only daughter of a small indus真实魔鬼游戏 下载trialist. 15 years later, he is the boss, but his middle-class life worries him a lot. When a new young and lovely secretary comes, he starts dreaming. Written by Yepok Twenty-five year old Pierre is a man who likes to play the field, about which most of girlfriends are aware. Pierre falls into a relationship with Florence Girard, who he loves and marries more out of circumstance than anything. Their life is less than the exciting one he envisioned for himself, as he ends up working for Florence's father in the office of the family business, a tannery. Old habits surface as he embarks on a few extramarital dalliances, which he sees solely tv650在线电视as distractions from the problems of marriage, one of those problems with Florence being her mother, who Florence resembles. Thus he sees his future as that of his staid in-laws. It isn't until he is in his late thirties that he truly does begin to contemplate ending the marriage, all because of his new eighteen year old secretary, Agnès, with who he believes he has fallen in love. The questions become whether he will do anything about it, if his feeling for Agnès truly is love, whether Agnès has similar feelings for him, and how Florence truly feels about marriage to him after ten years and visa versa. Written by Huggo
Charlie Slade
The battle for supremacy in first-class air travel is pushing ayw193 canirlines to up their game, from Michelin-style food to deluxe suites. This film follows Singapore Airlines as they invest 850 million d小草在线观看影院ollars in suites to woo the super-wealthy.
Travis Taute
Theo Abrams i2022推荐几个安全没封的网站s an ex-Cape Town fireman suffering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unable to return to work due to the psychological trauma sustained during a failed rescue mission, an increasingly frustrated and volatile Theo's world is rocked when one morning, he wakes up next to his wife's murdered corpse with no recollection of what transpired and all evidence suggesting that he's killed her. When the police label him as the prime suspect, Theo goes on the run, and is soon being hunted by Deputy Chief of Police, Alan Shard, a notoriously ruthless soldier of the law, who is hell-bent on catching Theo as one last act of service before he officially retires. However,雪鹰领主第二季免费完整版 when an unknown third party is thrown into the mix, Theo discovers an alarming connection between the sinister forces hunting him in an attempt to silence him permanently for a reason he can't comprehend; and a recent investigation his wif咕咕是一只猫e was conducting into a global armament contractor. When connecting the dots becomes a matter of life and death, Theo becomes embroiled in a desperate fight for survival and must figure out who really murdered his wife before a terrifying conspiracy changes the course of a nation forever.
Florent Gouëlou
In a small village麻辣女人国语版, Leo, 17 years-old, has a strong taste for make-up. His big brother, Jules, who fears to be laughed at, stands against this 恋恋不忘 电视剧passion. On the night of the open stage, Leo shows up in full drag...
ABC电视台09年秋季档新剧《V星入侵 V》翻拍自80年代的同名剧集,讲述了佯装友善的外星人入侵地球的故事。故事设定乍看起来颇为老套,但跟一般科幻剧相区别的是,剧中的外星人跟地球人并无二致。剧集表面上围绕着地球人和外星人展开,但其本质上依然是信任和背叛的人类社会命题。剧集由HDFilmes和华纳兄弟联合出品,由艾美奖获奖剧集《4400》制片人Scott Peters监制,首集Pilot由Yves Simoneau(4400)执导。出演《V星入侵》的演员有Elizabeth Mitchell(迷失Lost)、Morris Chestnut、Joel Gretsch(Taken、4400)俄罗斯13女女破苞视频、Lourdes Benedicto(The Nine)、Logan Huffman、Laura Vandervoort(Smallville),还有Morena Baccarin(Firefly)以及Scott Wolf(The Nine)。 故事开始于一天早上,人们醒来发现城市上空悬浮着巨大的外星飞船。而从飞船中出来的外星人表示对地球人并无恶意,是为追求和平而来,并赠送了超出人们想象的先进科技。但友好的外星人的有意显然没有表面上看起来这般简单。国土安全局特工Erica Evans(Elizabeth Mitchell) 在追杀一起恐怖袭击的过程中,偶然发现了外星来客的真正目的。但当 Erica 四处奔走却惹来杀生之祸时才明白,真正的外星人早已经在不知不觉中渗入了人类社会的重要机构,也包括她供职的国土安全局,一时间敌友难辨。走投无路的她开始和“反外星人抵抗运动”组织暗中合作,并结识了抵抗运动的扫黑风暴送审版 1080P 下载领袖 Jack Landry 神父(Joel Gretsch)和一个支持地球人的V星人Ryan。 老版《V星入侵》曾在1983年和1984年上映,之后也陆续推出了相关的小说、动漫以及游戏产品。
法国第一女主播法兰西强悍娇艳,记者会上向总统犀利提问,转眼又288uu眉来眼去频送秋波;坐镇主持政论节目,以完美妆容力战来宾;亲身前往远方战地“演绎”实况,还不忘忙碌奔波照顾家庭。她原是法国人心头上的一颗硃砂痣,一场肇事车祸却让她成了那抹蚊子血。法兰西发现主播的华美衣袍下其实爬满了蚤子,播报台下的美丽与哀愁谁人能解?当她决定洗尽铅华隐姓埋名,意外的邂逅突然降临,触动心中最柔软的那一块⋯⋯。 怪咖名导布鲁诺杜蒙以“法兰西”为名,直讽国家金玉其外却败絮其中的种种现象。从新闻操弄、难民问题到失能家庭,刻意营造的通俗手法与脸部特写,捕捉主角在虚假之外,无处安放的敏感脆弱。