/ 史蒂文·索德伯格
  十九岁的亚当(亚历克斯·帕蒂弗 Alex Pettyfer 饰)在工地上认识了麦克(查宁·塔图姆 Channing Tatum 饰),后来一次菠萝蜜视频免费观看偶遇得知原来麦克是个脱衣舞男,而且还是脱衣舞场的台柱“魔力麦克”。第一次迷迷糊糊登台后,亚当尝到了赚快钱的滋味。于是麦克领着亚当入行,让最近中文字幕国语完整在线他改变行头,教他跳舞的技巧以及如何取悦挑逗女性。将艺名改为“The Kid”的亚当,和舞场一众舞男里奇、肯特、提托以及泰山,度过了一个疯狂、刺激、纸醉金迷的夏天。  另一方面,麦克并不想一直干舞男这一行,他想创办一所家具定制公司,然而他申请银行贷款却失败。同时,他发现自己爱上了亚当的姐姐,他决定不去迈阿密……  影片根据主演查宁·塔图姆19岁时在弗罗里达州坦帕市做脱刷论坛推广软件衣舞男的经历改编。
/ 迈克尔·贝
  本片翻拍自2005年同名丹麦电影,功勋退伍士兵威尔·夏普(叶海亚·阿卜杜勒-迈丁 饰)为救妻子情急之下找到养兄弟丹尼(杰克·吉伦哈尔 饰)求助,却因此被卷入洛杉矶史上最大金额秋霞电影院ueeuss银行抢劫案。在脱身中出现的致命差池,迫使二人挟持了一辆载有一名垂日本一道高清一区二区危警察和一位顶尖急救专家卡姆·汤普森(艾莎·冈萨雷斯 饰)的救护车。在这场持久的高速追逐中,威尔和丹尼极力躲避全城警察的大规模搜捕、保证人质的生命安全、努力不对兄弟拔刀相向,同时完成这场洛杉矶有史以来最疯狂且惊险刺激的逃脱。
/ 托米·维尔科拉
  噩梦一般的雪山之旅,马丁(Vegar Hoel 饰)的女友和叶庆泉宋嘉琪方正源免费阅读小说伙伴们全部被复活的纳粹僵尸屠杀殆尽。他虽然身受重伤,但是侥幸逃脱,然而却又因涉嫌杀害同伴被警方监控起来。更糟糕的是,自以为是的医生将他被僵尸病毒感染的右臂缝了起来,无法控制的屠杀在所难免。另一方面,复活的纳粹海军指挥官赫尔佐格(Ørjan Gamst 饰)带领部下暗夜前行,正秘密进行他们生前未尽的计划。马丁连杀两人,从医院逃脱,他根据一个小孩的建议打电话从美国请来了三个死宅组成的僵尸小队,试图消灭纳粹僵尸。逃亡途中,他也发现了赫尔佐格接下来的企图。  争湖南经视网分夺秒,生死时速,纳粹僵尸的屠杀脚步能否中止……
/ 罗纳德·F·麦克斯维尔
/ 金德里奇·波拉克
  未来的2163年。人类的40名成员驾驶超光速宇宙飞船飞出太阳系,他们的目的地是阿尔法星人马座。在那里找寻是否有和人类一样的生命存在。完成任务后,将泰版浪漫满屋经过15年的飞行返回地球。 但是旅程中却碰到了意想不到的情况……  《Ikarie XB 1》拍摄于1963年。当时库布里克没微微一笑很倾城内地版有拍出《2001:太空漫游》,人类还没有登上月球。富有想象力的东欧电影人就对宇宙中是否存在除人类以外的生命的问题作出了大胆假想,并在实践中寻找了。本片是捷克斯洛伐克的第一部科幻电影,影片改编自波女大学生圆圆兰著名的科幻作家 斯坦尼斯拉夫·莱姆的小说《麦哲伦星云》(“Magellan Cloud” )。
/ 大卫·阿耶
  影片以近乎真实的镜头深入犯罪城市最黑暗的角落。  影片于2012年9月17日在洛杉矶举行首映,首映当日前州长阿诺·施瓦辛格也亮相捧场。  Taylor(杰克·吉伦哈尔 Jake Gyllenhaal 饰)和Zavala(迈克尔·佩纳 Michael Pena 饰)是一对工作上的搭档,同样,两个人也是生活中的好兄弟。他们一起在mayax1美国洛杉矶的街头巡逻,出生入死,也一起相互经历着结婚、孩子诞生等等家庭生活。可是,在一次例行的巡逻之后,他们发现了黑帮的一个秘密活动。而这个发现,也使得他们成为了洛杉矶最大的毒品贩子的眼中钉。于是,一场正邪较量、力量悬殊的猫鼠游戏就开始了……
/ Mark Raso
  28岁的威廉(格辛·安东尼饰)因祖父人妻美妇疯狂迎合的一封来自丹麦的信,决定与好友杰瑞米(塞巴斯蒂安·阿梅斯托饰)及其他的女友(奥利维亚·格兰特饰)前往哥本哈根探寻自我。在根本s导航哈根,威廉认识了当地女孩埃菲(Frederikke Dahl Hansen饰)并逐渐爱上了她。但是某日,威廉发现埃菲竟然只有14岁,他意识到要认真对待这份感情……
/ 戈尔·维宾斯基
坊94vv间流传着一个恐怖的传说,它和一盒神秘的录像带有关,传说中,凡是看过这盘录像带的人2012国语版,会在七天之后死亡。理性至上的女记者凯勒(娜奥米·沃茨 Naomi Watts 饰)只将此当成是一个玩笑,可侄女凯蒂(...
/ 罗纳德·尼姆
故事发生在一条名为“海神号”的豪华游轮之上,灯火辉煌的大厅之中,衣着华丽的旅客们怀着激动的心情,等待着新年的到来。一场地震的发生让人们一下子从天堂跌入了地狱,海神号被巨浪掀翻,一时间穿舱内一片鬼哭狼嚎。不顾船长的反对,97韩剧网97韩剧网 手机版斯科特(吉恩·哈克曼 Gene Hackman 饰)带领着8名乘客奋力爬向高处,当他们刚刚站定之时,洪水袭来,几乎是在瞬间,他们已经成为了海神号上唯一幸存的九人。       &秦舒褚临沉免费全文nbsp;                                                              斯科特带领着众人开辟出了一条逃生之路,在不断逼近的危险和几次爆发的矛盾之中,他们向着安全地带慢慢靠近着。爆炸的发生封锁了斯科特一行人唯一可以选择的逃生路线,面对着绝望与死亡,他们是否能够紧紧抓住渺鬼道猎魂茫的希望呢?
/ 丹尼尔·巴尔兹
一场可怕的车祸让克莱尔(詹妮弗·安妮斯boguagua顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰)不仅容貌尽毁,还失去了挚爱的儿子,之后,深陷于绝望和痛苦中无法自拔的克莱尔患上了慢性疼痛症。为了同疾病做斗争,克莱尔来到给我饭...
/ 马克·L·莱斯特
  在安迪(David Keith饰)和维姬(Heather Locklear饰)还在上大学的时候,他们为了赚钱参与了一次实验,服用了一种叫做Lot-6的化学品。他们结了婚,现在已经拥有了一个9岁的女儿莎林。莎林有一种特异功能,她可以靠自己的意念点燃东西,这可能要归因于安迪和维姬曾经参与的那次实验,同时,安迪也拥有了某种超能力,可以让人们做他希望人做的事情。那次实验的操作者是一个秘密的政府部门,代号为“商店”,执行人是约瑟夫博士,他开始派人追查两个人的下落,并且派出了一个狙击手,要杀掉两人。而他们没有预料到的是,安迪和维姬拥有的超能力可以帮助他们摆脱追捕,一场大战即将上演。  "本片由著名作家斯蒂芬·金的畅销小说改编,Mark L. Lester执导。本片的导妖手摧花演最初选定为约翰·卡朋特。据卡朋特说,Universal制片公司的高层出于票房考虑将其安排去拍摄The Thing (1982)。Martin Sheen仓卒出演,他的剧本是从别的演员那儿临时抓来的。斯蒂芬·琼斯所写的书""Creepshows""上说,David Keith是角色安迪的第十四号候选人。"
/ 史蒂芬·戴德利,克里斯蒂安·杜沃特
/ 泰伦斯·马力克
/ 皮耶特罗·马切罗
  马丁(卢卡·马里内利 Luca Marinelli 饰)追捕2003版出生在贫穷的家庭之中,没有上过几年的学,如今和姐姐过着相依为命的日子,并且成为了一名终日漂泊在茫茫大海之上的水手。一天,马丁邂逅了名为爱莲娜(杰西卡·塞西 Jessica Cressy 饰)的千金大小姐,爱莲娜将法国诗人波德莱尔的诗集借给马丁看。马丁这辈子从来都没有看过这样的文字,一下子便被深深的吸引了,在海上漂泊的漫长时光里,他如饥似渴的吸收着这些知识,并且渐渐开始产生了自己写作的念头。  马丁失业了,借此机会,他决定正式走上写作的道路。他不断的投稿,又不断的遭遇退稿,唯一没有想过的就是放弃。最终,马丁的小说被出版了,这令他收获了无数的名誉和财富。
/ 肯·洛奇
  母亲即将出狱的消息让莱姆(马丁·康普斯顿 Martin Compston 饰)的心中充满了喜悦,因为他明白,母亲是无辜的,她惨遭牢狱之灾只是为了替她那混蛋男友斯坦(Gary McCormack 饰)顶罪。在母亲出狱之前,莱姆还有好多事情要忙,他希丧尸之地望母亲能真正的获得自由,这意味着她必须远离一切可能将她拉下水的人,其中包括斯坦和莱姆的祖父。  在莱姆的计划中,他将带着母亲前往农村开始新的生活,但这已计划若想成功,钱是不可缺少的重大前提。就这样,莱姆和小伙伴们开始泰国电视剧国语版变着法子赚钱,甚至涉及到了一些非法交易,在不知不觉间,一心向钱的莱姆突然发现,自己已经陷入了麻烦之中无法自拔。
/ 霍华德·霍克斯
  故事发生在5000年前的埃及。法老胡夫(杰克·霍金斯 Jack Hawkins 饰)四处征战捷报连连,带回了大量的金银财宝和战俘。幻想仙剑奇侠传全集下载着获得永生的法老命令战俘中的一位名叫瓦石塔(詹姆斯·罗伯逊·贾斯蒂 James Robertson Justice 饰因为爱情有多美电视剧)的建筑师为他建造金字塔。瓦石塔和胡夫之间达成了协议,根据金字塔工程的推进分批释放战俘。  金字塔的建造有条不紊的进行着,然而,就在工程即将结束之时,野心勃勃的皇妃奈里夫(琼·柯琳斯 Joan Collins438yy影院 饰)暗杀了胡夫和皇后奈拉(克里玛 Kerima 饰)。皇家祭司哈马(亚历克斯·米诺蒂斯 Alex Minotis 饰)在最后关头遵守了胡夫的承诺,释放了瓦石塔和他的族人。
/ 内详
这部由HBO自制的电影是「汉堡高地」导演天堂传奇约翰艾文的又一战争写实影片,背景设在第二次世界大战,血腥的贺根森林之役。在整排的惊天魔盗团2 下载袍泽被敌人歼灭后,唯一幸存的二等兵大卫曼宁(朗爱德东北往事之黑道风云20年全集 饰,「彗星撞地球」、「豪情四...
/ 朗·霍华德
吉尔(史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin 饰)最小的儿子凯文(Jasen Fisher 饰)因为性格极度内向而被学校老师劝退回到了家中,这可急坏了吉尔。为了帮助凯文重拾自信,吉尔天天陪着凯文玩耍游戏,但似乎没有什么效果。吉尔的妹夫内森(里克·莫拉尼斯 Rick Moranis 饰)的教育理念和吉尔完全相反,他希望能够将女儿培养成为一名有用之才,可在他的填鸭式教育的压迫之下,不仅女儿失去了快乐的生活,就连妻子也最终离开了他韩国电影奸臣百度网盘。                                                                      巴克曼(玛丽·斯汀伯根 Mary Steenburgen 饰)是一名单亲母亲,独自抚养着一双儿女,生活本就不易的她还遭遇了两个孩子的叛逆期,女儿早早结婚成家,儿子则日益沉默寡言。
/ 斯派克·李
迈尔肯(丹泽尔•华盛顿 Denzel Washing最好免费观看高清视频ton 饰)出生于一个黑白通婚的家庭,其父是黑人牧师,其母是无偏见的白人。但是当时,美我的好妈妈5中字电影国种族矛盾激化,3K党经常骚扰他家,在他的幼小心灵中种下了复仇...
/ 巴瑞·莱文森
  美国华盛顿特区,新一轮总统大选前两周。一桩耸人听闻的总统骚扰未成年少女的性丑闻事件,就在这切要关头被披露曝光,闹得沸沸扬扬。加上新闻媒体的大肆炒作,总统谋求连任的机会简直微乎其微。为了平息这场风波,总统紧急召见了老谋深算的政治顾问康拉德·布里恩博士(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)。善于操纵公众舆论导向的布里恩,在紧要关头很快献出一条“妙计”。为了转移公众对性骚扰事件的注意力,布里恩凭空捏造出一场子虚乌有的爱国战争“阿尔巴尼亚战争”。为了让这场虚构出来的战争真实可信,布里恩专程拜访了大名鼎鼎的好莱坞著名制片人斯坦利·莫斯(达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 饰)。在他们“天衣无缝”的导演之下,公众果然信以为真,倍加关注。然而,这场所谓的爱国战争不久便破绽百出,不攻自破。  本片改编自Larry Beinha影视快播rt的小说《American Hero》。影片赢得1998年第48届柏林国际电影节银熊奖,并荣获奥斯卡奖-最佳改编剧本在内的7次提名。达斯汀·霍夫曼更凭借此片荣获1998年第70届奥斯卡奖-最佳男主角提名。
/ Agustí Villaronga
  Since ancient times, a tribe on the African continent has been prophesying that a white boy will arrive to be their god: the Son of the Moon. David, 少年班电影a 12-year-old orphan who lives in Europe, learns about the prophecy and believes that he is the chosen child and that destiny must be fulfilled at any cost. Before David can fulfill his prophecy he must escape the heavily guarded scientific organization that has adopted him. David's stra困龙升天2nge behavior and the fact that he possesses extrasensory perception, has attracted the attention of an organization researching so-called "prodigious beings" in the occult tradition. David soon discovers that their goal is to channel the moon's energy into a child yet to be born, robbing him of his rightful place as the Son of the Moon. Two women, Victoria, a member of the center, and Georgina, the future mother of the supposed moonchild, will help David fulfill his destiny. After several attempts David manages to escape the center and undergoes a series of new experiences: love, adventure, supernatural events an消失的女人d even death. David is relentlessly pursued, pushing him further towards his goal, towards Africa where his fate awaits him.
/ 蒂姆·希尔
/ Morgan Matthews
  讲述了一个数学最新奥特曼大电影天才Nathan(阿沙·巴特菲尔德饰演)因数学天赋而到中国参加一个奥林匹克竞赛,并与一位中国姑娘Zhang Mei(焦阳饰演)产生爱情的故事。  男主角Nathan是一个有见解的大男孩,但也不必要的与其母亲(莎莉·霍金斯饰演)产生了矛盾。来到中基本全是肉的动漫国后,纠结于学业以及爱情之中,讲述了青年人的成长与蜕变。
/ 克里斯·韦兹,保罗·韦兹
  威尔(休·格兰特 Hugh Grant 饰)是一个冰上的尤里车伦敦的有钱人。他继承了父亲的遗产,终日吃喝玩乐,游戏情场。然而,他内心却有着空虚和孤独。为了能够认识更多的女人,他想到了单亲家长会。那里单亲妈妈众多,他必然能游刃有余。带着这个目的,他假扮成单亲爸爸,加入了单亲家长会。  马克斯(尼古拉斯·霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult 饰)的母亲也是家长会里的成员。母亲每天早晨醒来,都会开始沮丧、落泪,想自杀。马克斯家庭不幸,加上常常受人欺负,身处劣境的他寄希望于威尔,把威尔当作可依赖的对象。他经常造访威尔家,坐在威尔身边默默的看电视。起初这一切让威尔觉得十分打扰。但是慢慢的,两颗孤独的心开始找到依靠,威尔和小男孩之间的友谊渐渐升温。
/ 吉尔莫·德尔·托罗
12岁女孩子奥菲丽娅(伊万娜•巴克尔洛 饰)有一个凶暴的法西斯军官继父维达(塞吉•洛佩兹 饰),维达的任务就是镇压反抗者,研失恋33天在线观看完整版究各种刑具来折磨残害被抓来的异见人士,奥菲丽娅每天都目睹让人不愉快的事件。眼...
/ 什恩·卡鲁斯
一对男女陷入了一个拥有永恒生命的有机体中,他们的生活开始瓦解,幻觉与肉身开始真假难蜜芽miya737 mon在线无限观看辨。
/ 朱丽·泰莫
  弗里达(salma hayek 饰)是墨西哥著名的女画家,18岁之前她是一个快乐活泼的少女,跟其他人一样,享受着爱情的甜蜜。然而18岁的车祸让她遭遇重创,死里逃生的她从此跟病痛伴随一生。原来的小情人也离她而去。躺在病床18个月的她整日与画为伴,她的画充满了不可思议的活力与激情。那时候她也真正开始考虑卖画养活自己,她前去请求画家里维拉指导自己的画,对方激赏她的天分。他们也从师生转变成一生的伴侣,他们结婚了。婚后他们经历了墨西哥最动荡的革命时期,他们狂热地追随着共产主义的脚步,甚至当托洛斯基被斯大林逐出苏联后,他们不畏风险地予以热情接待。弗里达与托洛斯基朦胧的爱恋,以及她的女同性恋情结让她的感情史一样绚烂。
/ 米克·杰克逊
/ 张开宙
/ 乔治·A·罗梅罗
  Martin (John Amplas), a young man who looks around 20-years-old, boards a train in Indianapolis, Indiana for New York. At night, he breaks into a sleeping car and sedates a woman with a syringe full of narcotics. She struggles, but he tells her not to struggle or be upset because she wont feel pain. After a few minutes, the woman falls asleep, and Martin has sex with the unconscious woman. Afterwards, he slices her wrists with a razor blade so he can drink her blood. The woman bleeds to death in her sleep.  In the morning, the train stops in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where Martin disembarks. He is met by Tata Cuda (Lincoln Maazel) an elderly and hostile old man who claims to be his cousin from the Old World. Together, they travel by another train to the town of Braddock, a dying industrial suburb. They walk to Cuda's large house where he shows Martin his living quarters. Cuda then accuses Martin of being an 84-year-old vampire from his old country. He has taken in Martin because he is family, but tells him, "First I will save your soul. Then I shall destroy you." Martin denies being a vampire and implies that Cuda is merely his uncle rather than his cousin. Cuda then puts up strings of garlic on the doors to his and his granddaughter's room, and then holds up a small cross when Martin approaches him. Martin takes away the cross, and even takes a bite of the garlic mocking these attempts by saying bitterly, "There's no real magic... ever". Cuda tells Martin that he can come and go as he pleases. But he also warns Martin that he will kill him if he kills anyone in Braddock. He also tells Martin to stay away from his granddaughter Christine (Christine Forrest), whom arrives home from her job that evening.  Cuda introduces Christine to Martin, but also warns her to stay away from him. But Christine instead strikes up a friendship with Martin who confides in her about his vampire heritage. When Cuda later confirms Martin's claims to be a vampire, Christine, not surprisingly, refuses to believe either one. She thinks that Cuda and the other members of her family have driven Martin to insanity by making him think that he is a vampire. It is never revealed if Martin really is a vampire, or just a shy and lonely youth with troubled issues. Christine is the only person that Martin gets the courage to talk to. When Christine's boyfriend Arthur (Tom Savini) arrives at the house for dinner, Martin stops talking and backs away despite Arthur's attempt at a conversation. Christine later confides in Martin that she hopes to leave Braddock someday with Arthur, even though Martin points out that Arthur treats her badly and is both verbally and physically abusive towards her.  When Christine sees that Martin won't talk to anyone else, she buys him a phone which he installs in his room. Martin begins to repeatingly call a radio talk show where he describes what it's like to be a vampire. He becomes known on the radio as "the Count" to all the listeners. But the patronizing host (Michael Gornick) thinks he's just crazy.  Martin gets a job at Cuda's grocery store of stocking shelves, hauling boxes around, and even gets to be a delivery boy for some of the customers. One of his customers is a certain Abby Santini (Elyane Nadeau), who becomes taken in with Martin. She is a very friendly young woman who is depressed when she tells Martin that her husband is unfaithful. But Martin still does not have the nerve to talk with her, so she is happy to have someone to confide in with her life problems. Martin phones the radio show host to describe his infatuation with the housewife and senses that she wants to have sex with him. When the radio show host asks Martin if it is a sexual problem that he has involving women criticizing him during sex, Martin replies that he has never had sex with a woman who was awake.  One day, Martin travels by train to outside Braddock to look for victims. At a supermarket, he follows a young woman (Sarah Venable) home to her posh suburban house. He sees the woman's husband (Richard Rubenstein) leave for a long business trip, and Martin decides this woul古装四仔d be the right time for more feeding. Martin returns to the house after dark and breaks in through the garage door. But it is Martin who gets the surprise when he bursts into her bedroom to find her in bed with her adulterous lover Lewis (Al Levitsky). After a vicious struggle, Martin jabs both of them with hyprodermic needles with narcotics, and waits for the drugs to take affect. He drags the unconscious body of Lewis from the house to a clump of trees across the street where he kills him by shoving a broken tree branch into his neck and drinks his blood. Martin returns to the house where he has sex with the unconscious woman. But out of compassion and pity, he decides to let her live.  Martin begins to have romantic monochrome visions of his vampire past (real or imagined), where he drained blood from a young woman and was chased through the streets of a nameless European town by a torch-lit mob.  During one Sunday at church, Cuda brings home Father Howard (George A. Romero) who asks him about the possibility of exorcism and demon possession. Father Howard calls upon the elderly Father Zulemans (Clifford Forrest, Jr.) over at Cuda's request. Together, Cuda and Zulemans confront Martin his bedroom and attempt to perform an exorcism on him. At this point, Martin remembers (another real or imaginary flashback), in the Old Country of people trying to perform an exorcism on him, and he flees them. Martin then flees from Cuda and Zuelmas as well. A little later that night, Martin terrorizes Cuda in a children's playground when he puts on a Dracula cape and puts false fangs into his mouth to pretend that he really is a vampire.  One day, Martin finally musters the courage to talk with Mrs. Santini during a routine delivery to her house where he tells her that he's aware of her attempts to seduce him and wants now to have sex with her. After having sex for the first time, Mrs. Santini becomes more depressed for she tells Martin that her husband just left her because she discovered that she cannot bear children, and that her desires towards him are based on sex and nothing else. But Martin wants to stay with her and help her move on with her life. Martin tells the radio show host about his affair with the housewife and that he no longer has the urge to attack other women.  Meanwhile, Arthur meets with Cuda and tells him that he wants Christine to leave town with him so they can get married and start a family. But Christine becomes angry at Cuda when he tells Arthur that insanity runs in their family and he shouldn't consider having children with her. Shortly afterwards, Christine packs up and leaves Braddock for New York with Arthur despite Martin telling her that Arthur is abusive towards her. But her mind is made up. Before leaving, Christine tells Martin that she really has no ill feelings towards him and just wants to make a fresh start with her life. She says goodbye to him and promises to write. But Martin knows that with an abusive and possessive man in Christine's life, she probably won't.  Depressed over losing his one true friend, Martin phones the radio show host and tells him that he's getting "shaky" and wants to go out looking for more victims. That night, Martin travels to a rough crime-ridden area of Pittsburgh and attacks two derelicts in a alley, injecting them with narcotics. He kills one of them by silting the bum's wrist and drinking his blood. Martin is about to kill the second one when a police car shows up and gives chase. Martin narrowly escapes during a long chase on foot which leads from the garbage strew streets and through a local store. Martin runs into an old warehouse where a drug deal is going down. A shootout between the two cops and the three thugs begins where all of them are killed, leaving Martin as the sole survivor who casually walks away from the carnage.  One day, Martin finds Mrs. Santini dead in her bathtub, after she had slit her writs with a razor blade. Martin anonymously calls the police to report the body and leaves. He phones the radio show host one final time to say that he really doesn't need friends or people to talk to for he is his own person. But when Cuda learns about Mrs. Santini's suicide, is mistakenly thinks Martin killed her and made it look like a suicide as he's done before. Cuda walks into Martin's room while he is asleep and kills him by hammering a wooden 韩国和日本免费不卡在线stake through Martin's heart.  Cuda buries Martin's body in his back garden, while over the closing credits various voices from people are heard talking to the radio show host asking the whereabouts of "the Count".