搜索"Law" ,找到 301部影视作品
Tibor Takács
国际大都会美国纽约,当地居民正享受美好的午后时光,殊不知前所未有的危机正向将夜免费神马影院这座城市逼近。中央公园的草地上,人们欢声笑语,悠闲自在,突然草地中央出现一个小旋风。孩子们追逐着它恣意玩耍,然而短短几秒钟过后,旋风风力加强,一名普通人因此丧命。同一天,一架小型飞机着陆前遭遇强风坠毁。纽约市政府高度关注此事,监控随时可能到来的灾难。但是他们显然低估了强风暴的力量,纽约遭受最为惨烈的摧残。青年消防队员布赖恩·弗林(Colby Johannson 饰)及其女友、气候学家凯西·劳伦斯博士(Nic八戒八戒免费视频ole de Boer 饰)以及千千万万的纽约人,经历着前所未有的灾难考验。 纽约,危在旦夕……
Jay Silverman
A ruthless corporate raider on the verge十分钟在线观看直播免费观看 of making partner at his NYC private equity firm, is forced to return to his small town roots where he suddenly inherits his father's nearly bankrupt pencil factory, which is the heart and soul of the depressed community. With the fore蚂蚁庄园5月28日答案最新closure deadline loom百变大咖秀20121220ing, he must decide to either join the community's fight to save the factory, or let it close and relocate to China.
《王冠 The Crown》制片公司Left Bank Pictures为Netflix制作另一部新剧《她的双眼背后 Behind Her Eyes》,这部剧集改编自Sarah Pinborough的同名惊悚小说,6集改编剧现已开机拍摄拍摄。 《她的双眼背后》女主角Louise是位单亲母亲兼秘书,某夜她在酒吧认识并亲吻了名年轻的男子David,但后来Louise发现对方竟是自己的新上司;同时间Louise在镇上结交了新朋友Adele,不过2012中文字幕国语女主接下来才知道她是David的妻子。Louise痴迷并陷入于这对夫妇的关系中时,女主却逐渐认为他们有着很多不对劲的地方,表里不一的David及Adele可能隐藏着可怕的秘密。 Simona Brown饰演Louise﹑Tom Bateman饰演心理医生David﹑Eve Hewson饰演Adele。
本剧聚焦英国可耻的工党内阁大臣John Stonehouse,讲述他的人生和所处时代的故事。Matthew Macfadyen饰演John,Keeley Hawes饰演其妻子Barbara。 故事讲述1974年11月,John Stonehouse,Harold Wilson(Kevin R. McNally饰)政府内十分成功的一员,消失在了佛罗里达州一家大型豪华酒店的海滩上。他留下了一堆折叠整齐的衣服,游入海中试图伪造自己的死亡。震惊的公众和媒体以为这位北沃尔索尔的国会议员溺水身亡或是被鲨鱼吃掉了,留下了自己亲爱的妻子Barbara和三个年幼的孩子。 Stonehouse是一个充满号召力、魅力四射,又自信满满的人,从他在议会的职业生涯早期开始,就给Harold Wilson首相和工党的坚定支持者就下了深刻印象。他出身工薪阶层,毕业于伦敦经济学院,第二次世界大战期间曾在皇家空军服役,看上去是一个从政的理想人选。 随着剧情展开,能够明显发现他作翻译官演员表为持家男人的名声掩盖了事实。Stonehouse和自己的秘书Sheila Buckley(Emer Heatley饰)开始了一段婚外情,并在1960年代成为了捷克特勤局的间谍。 Stonehouse故意窃取一位刚刚去世的选民的身份,可他复杂的财务状况和人际关系最终让他们付出了代价。他以死者的名义申请护照,开始编织一个精心策划的阴谋,试图在澳大利亚开始新生活。但他被澳洲警方误认为是逃犯Lord Lucan而遭到逮捕,此前的计划也随之成了泡影。 Stonehouse被伦敦警察厅的警探带回英国后,发现自己对保证工党多数席位执政至关重要。
故事发生在1692年的马萨诸塞州,在一个地处偏远的小镇之中,生活着一群虔诚又愚昧的人们。女孩阿比盖尔(薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder 饰)是牧师的侄女,因此在镇上享有很高的声誉,凡是她说的话人们都信,凡是她斗罗大陆免费完整观看真人版做的事人们都赞成。凭借着自己的“特权”,阿比盖尔将数十名她看不惯的女子以“女无法抗拒的他巫”之名送上了绞刑架,这其中就有约翰(丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯 Daniel Day Lewis 饰)的妻子伊莉莎贝斯(琼·艾伦 Joan Allen 饰)。 约翰一直都将阿比盖尔的狼子野心看在眼里,但由于两人之间的情人关系,他只得保持人肉叉烧包2缄默,直到阿比盖尔将魔爪伸向了伊莉莎贝斯,约翰才明白事态的严重性。约翰向法官告发了阿比盖尔的罪行,然而,却没有人相信他的“胡言乱语”。
Morse is taken seriously ill at a museum reception and is hospitalized. In the hospital, Supt. Strange, visits Morse to push him to take early retirement, while Dr. Millicent 'Millie' Van Buren gives him her book on a 140 year-old court case known as the Oxford Canal Murders. The case involved the murder and rape of a young woman, Mrs Joanna Franks, traveling by canal boat from Coventry to London. The case resulted in three boatmen being sentenced to death and two of them hanged. Morse starts to read Millie's book and dreams about it. He soon has a number of problems with the case. Why weren't the three men also charged with theft? Why did Mrs Franks take a boat instead of a train that was much faster and comfortable and only slightly more expensive? Why didn't she abandon the boat after she complained about le本溪红尖wd behavior of the crew at the shipping office in Banbury? Why did she then drink and 'socialise' with the crew? What happened to her 'carpet bag' with which she arrived on the boat but which was not mentioned in the court case, nor was it stored in the archives with her, almost empty, trunk? The trunk was marked with initials of her first husband who had died. How d美国十次啦超级大导航id it happen that her shoes were found on the boat but nobody saw her return to the boat from the forest? PC Adrian Kershaw does some brilliant leg work for Morse. He studied history and has invaluable background knowledge. For instance, he mentions that the boatmen had bad reputation because they worked on Sundays and did not attend church. Later a chapel was built for them in Oxford. The dead woman's clothes and the shoes found on the boat are submitted to modern forensic investigation. The result is that the shoes did not belong to the dead woman found in the water because she was much taller.The shoes were never used in the forest. Only Mrs Franks' husband, Charles Franks, was called to identify the body of the dead woman. He claimed that, while her face was darkened and disfigured, he found a birth mark behind her ear. The prosecutor welcomed that information "that only a husband or a lover would know". The accused were not shown the body. The defense attorney merely claimed that the guilt of the three men was not proved. All t夜幕下的哈尔滨演员表hree accused claimed to the end that they were innocent. One of them was not executed because he embraced Christianity in prison. Morse instructs Kershaw to investigate if Charles Franks benefited from his wife's death and, indeed, he pocketed 300 pounds insurance money. Case closed: Charles Franks murdered a tall women and dropped her in the canal after meeting Joanna in the forest. If Joanna Franks jumped off the boat at the same time as the dead body hit the water, she swam to the bank and joined her husband. The couple changed their names, in the case of 'Charles Franks' a second time after he 'died' as Joanna's first husband. The fourth boatman, a youngster who was not charged, was probably paid by Joanna to give false testimony. Morse travels to Ireland and has a grave of Joanna's first husband exhumed. The coffin contains bags of sand and some stones.
1965年新西兰,长相平平的女孩海瑟尔•法苏罗(Agnes Bruckner 饰)生长在一个缺鬼驱人少温暖的家庭之中,她因引起森林火灾而被父母送到一所偏远的寄宿学校——费尔伯恩学院就读。这所学校枯燥呆板,院长崔西夫人(Patricia Clarkson 饰)严苛冷酷,同时海瑟尔又和新结识的朋友马茜(Lauren Birkell 饰)经常受到室友萨曼莎(Rachel Nichols 饰)的欺负,这一切的一切杀生 余男,都令海瑟尔想早点逃离这个黑暗之地。 偶然见她发现,身边的同学相继人间蒸发,海瑟尔隐隐感觉到,自己将会是下一个……
凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯加盟Disney+的《国家宝藏》剧集,与Lisette Alexis共同担任主演。 剧集与影版的主角和故事不同,描述为“从20岁的拉丁裔女子杰西·莫拉莱斯(Alexis出演)的角度展开,她怀着远大梦想,和朋友们开始了一场有生之年的冒险,以揭开她我的好妈妈4在线观看中文版神秘的家族历史,找回丢失的宝藏。将探讨身份、群体、历史著作权和爱国主义等时事”。 泽塔·琼斯饰演Billie,一个强大厉害的亿万富翁、黑市古董专家、我行我素的宝藏猎人,从身无分文的孤儿成长为精明、有型的商人及冒险家。Billie看中的东西就一定要得到,而她看中了那份泛美宝藏,不只是为了钱,有着更深的利害关系。
Matthew Dyas
For thousands of years, humans have believed that there were once flying monsters. But did they really exist beyond our nightmares? 220 million years ago dinosaurs were beginning their domination of Earth. But another g两个男人干一个女人roup of reptiles was about to make an extraordinary leap: pterosaurs were taking control of the skies. The story of how and why these mysterious creatures took to the air is more fantastical than any fiction. In Flying Monsters, David Attenborough the worlds leading naturalist, sets out to uncover the truth about the enigmatic pterosaurs, whose wingspans of up to 40 feet were equal to that of a modern day jet plane. Attenborough works with scientists to understand the incredible story of the evolution of the pterosaurs, a story that unfolds in such stunning locations as New Mexico, the Jurassic Coast of Lyme Regis in Britain, an ancient pterosaur landing site in Southern France and a fossil pit in Germany where near perfect pterosaur specimens have been found. The central question and one of the greatest mysteries in palaeontology is: how and why did pterosaurs fly? How did lizards the size of giraffes defy gravity and soar through prehistoric skies? Driven by the information he finds as he attempts to answer these questions, Attenborough starts to unravel one of sciences more enduring mysteries, discovering that the marvel of pterosaur flight has evolutionary echoes that resonate even today. Flyi18c mic orz官网ng Monsters is a groundbreaking film that uses cutting-edge 3D technology and CGI to bring the story of giant flying monsters and their prehistoric world to life. Audiences of all ages will be in awe as they enter the world and experience, as never before, REAL Flying Monsters in HD.
Joseph J. Lawson
本片是由Joseph J. Lawson执导的一部影片。1944年,战事如火如荼,一支美国的坦克队伍英勇作月牙儿的大学生活战,却难敌纳粹军队的攻击,屡屡败退,千钧一发之际,他们找到了突破口,终于冲出敌军的防线。然而此时坦克燃料用完,他们不得不步行前进,路上他们遇到了一个修女,并从修女口中得知不远处孤儿院还有许多孩子等待救援,原本负责保护他们的美军护送队已被德军处决,修女执意回去保护孩子,为了保护无辜的人们,士兵啦啦啦在线观看高清视频大全们跟随修女来到了孤儿院……