搜索"Adrián" ,找到 144部影视作品
Adrian Shergold
一个男人由于患上了强迫性神经官能症,生活面临崩溃。可是在这样关键的时刻,他竟然遇上一段意想不到的风流韵事。黑色幽默的故事让观众惊喜连连。 The British indie DIRTY FILTHY LOVE offers a quirky spin on the standard romantic-comedy formula with the tragicomic misadventures of its neurochemically-addled hero. Mark Furness (Michael Sheen) is a thirtysomething architect whose marriage and career are threatened by his increasing obsessive-compulsive disorder and Tourette’s syndrome, which include repetitive and completely involuntary activities such as stair-counting, hand-washing, and swearing. When his wife Stevie (Anastasia Griffith) files for divorce and he loses his job to a subordinate, Mark turns to his doctor for help but instead meets a kindred soul, Charlotte (Shirley Henderson), who immediately diagnoses Mark’s mental disorders and offers him therapy via her own self-help group. The film’s darkly humorous yet poignant tone is carried by Sheen’s nuanced performance and an unsentimental script co-penned by Ian Puleston-Davies, whose own experiences with OCD lend authenticity to the proceedings.
Rodrigo Triana
¿How far does a soccer fan go for his beloved national team? Mariano Cárdenas (Adrian Uribe), a married man and a civil servant, shows us that crossing the line when supporting the national team is a must. Mexico and the USA are in the final qualifying match for the 2018 World Cup. Mariano is committed to giving everything he has, including his time and relationship with his wife, to be present in the game because he is convinced that his presence in the stadium is the only thing factor that will guarantee the victory. Everything is ready and organized for the big day. Unfortunately, plans change when Mariano learns of the death of his uncle, with whom he lived and with whom he wagered a large bet on the team. Mariano is torn between being at the funeral or escaping to accompany the team. Thanks to the decision he makes, he loses his job, his wife, his home but his heart is full as Mexico qualifies for the World Cup.
The movie is generally lacking in character development. The film at one point follows the creepiest-looking gangster (Flavio Bucci from the "The Night Train Murders") to his home where he is shacking up with another gangster's wife and her kid, but more than character development this seems to be more an excuse for another sex scene. The Placido character has an interesting flashback of him working on a filthy fishing barge, which is contrasted with a fantasy where he is piloting a yacht. This movie is very class-conscious in the way it has this poor Sicilian boy falling for a rich, northern girl (the Italian title "La Orca" comes from the designer outfit she's wearing). Placido is pretty good here, but this handsome, light-complexioned hunk is not too convincing as a lower-class Sicilian ruffian. As for Neihaus, I can't decide if she is a bad actress, or is just playing a really obnoxious character (she's more Paris Hilton than Patty Hearst). She does get naked several times which, judging from the English, title was the primary consideration.
Kala azar describes of a place that cannot sustain animal life any longer. In a big city s好大好粗omewhere in the south of Europe, a couple takes care of dead animals and abandoned roadkill as an act to give meaning to their life. Kala azar is a
影片分为两个不同的部分。第一部分由米尔恰·韦罗尤执导,描述了二十世纪初罗马尼亚一个寡妇的悲惨生活。第二部分由丹·皮察执导,讲的是一个婚礼上的新娘。 米尔恰·韦罗尤(1941年出生)和丹·皮察(1938年出生)是罗马尼亚最具独创性的电影制作人,他们一起制作了两部杰出的电影:《石婚》(1972)和《金魂》(1974)。毫无疑问,两部电影都是罗马尼亚有史以来最好的电影之一,在全世界活死人军团在线观看完整版受到了巨大的好评,被纽约现代艺术博物馆收藏。 《石婚》根据罗马尼亚作家Ion Agarbiceanu的小说改编,描写了上世纪初特兰西瓦尼亚乡村的生活状况。这些故事充满了一种深深的悲剧性的震撼,一种似乎无处不在的宿命感。所有这些都在令人难忘的摄影中被表达出来。毫不夸张地说,每一个镜头都是一件艺术品。 在第一部分中,女演员 Leopoldina Balanuta 的每一个动作、每一个眼神都充满了感性和智慧,她知道如何暗示多年的生活、希望和绝望的积累、固执的爱以及在沉默的斗篷下压抑的巨大痛苦。这些有力的镜头语言,只有第二部分的 Mircea Diaconu (逃兵) 眼中悲剧性的天真才能匹配。 两位导演中,米尔恰·韦罗尤喜欢充满沉思的冰冷凝结的风格,而丹·皮察在他的部分,则把它变成了一个充满活力的故事,有许多讽刺的时刻,富有表现力的人物,并在最后有一个痛苦的悲剧转折。 无论如何,《石婚》是一部值得一遍又一遍地观看的电影。每一遍,它似乎都增长了新的维度。
『1970年,全世界遇见大咖第一季都知道贝尔法斯特是个分裂的城市,附近邻里都变成贫民窟了,但是我对这一切毫不知情。我的世界就只有这麽大而已——四面牆和几条安静的街道,不过那是在我认识米奇寳之前』 『1970年,全世界都知道贝尔法斯特是个分裂的城市,但是我对这一切毫不知情。直到事实像火车一样碾过……』 本片根据欧文麦卡菲帝著爸爸去哪儿首映礼名的舞台剧拍摄而成,讲述了七十年代北爱尔兰两个少年的故事,一个来自天主教家庭,一个则是清教徒背景,原该水火不容的他们却跨越了边界,成为血盟结拜兄弟。他们学著当时正在上映的《虎豹小霸王》,决定离家抢银行做大事......
赤警威龙在线观看 一个瑞典家庭来到了法国的阿尔卑斯山区度假。当天风和日丽,景色无比养眼,然而当他们在山脚下的一个餐馆用餐时,一场突如其来的雪崩打破了这一切。游客们四处逃窜,母亲艾芭叫喊着她的丈夫托马斯的名字,试图保护他们的孩子。然而没想到的是,托马斯却在慌乱之下抛妻弃子,自顾着逃命2019国产最就视频去了……尽管最终躲过了雪崩,但这一家人的关系却出现了巨大的裂痕。托马斯究竟怎么样才能挽回妻子的心,并且在孩子们的心目中重塑他的威信?
哥伦比亚新浪潮导演Carlos Mayolo的长片处女作,一部哥特风格的幻想片,获葡萄牙幻想电影节最佳女主角和最佳影片提名。是导演向Roman Polanski的《Rosemary's Baby》致敬的作品。 "Flesh of your flesh" is a political allegory trhough a love story, framed into the magical colombian universe. In 1955, in the middle of a military dictatorship, a teenage girl seduces her brother and due to their incestous relationship the lovers are possessed by the ghosts of their ancestors. The two youngsters become vampirical and criminal creatures like those created by the colombian "violencia", mingling with the mythological beings of the countryside like "drafts" and other ghost sowing fear into the heart of men. Directed by Carlos Mayolo. Centers on a wealthy family fighting over the last testament of a just-deceased matriarch. From there, the family members are shown to have an incestuous relationsh恶少爱上你我不后悔ip, and eventually vampires come into the picture, as well as unbridled slaughter. Tropical Gothic Baroque. An extremely interesting film about La Violencia in Colombia which captures the strange social and political heterogeneity of this dark set of events. Mayolo developed his own aesthetic - partly in collaboration with filmmaker Luis Ospina and the late Andrés Caicedo - 'el gótico tropical' in order to convey this strangeness. The film combines local Colombian myths - caspi, la madremonte, el hojarasquin del monte - with themes of vampirism and incest to convey the place of La Violencia within a repetitive and cyclical history characterised by interpartisan conflicts that benefit the empowerment of the Colombian aristocracy.
David Straiton
Heroes的下一章"救赎", 在经历了第4章"逃亡"的动乱和悲剧之后, 每个角色都将以不同的方式回归到他们的普通生活当中.ae86亚洲福利入口 其中我们最着重想表达的是超能人应该怎样回到过去的生活当中, 他们是应该继续隐瞒自己的能力, 还是应该将自己的能力公之于众. Claire将直面这个问题, 她将在华盛顿开始自己的大学生活, 像所有的青少年一样, 她将努力寻找自我. 重新适应普通生活并不容易, 特别是她的父母将离婚, 而大学学校里又发生了一件神秘的自杀事件. Peter和Nathan也将试图回到过去的生活中, Peter将拯救他人的生命, 但是这将使他和家族, 朋友产生隔阂,但是Peter将和一个"能力强大"的美丽女子坠入爱河, 这会让他发现生活真正的乐趣在于与人交流. 而Nathan每天都将对自己有新的发现,因为事实上他是Sylar. Matt将对自己对Sylar所做的行为感到愧疚, 他想回到妻子和孩子的身边, 但一切都很艰难. 在Tracy, Angela和其它英雄的帮助下, Noah将组建新的公司. 这个新公司将不会有阴谋或监狱之类的东西, 而更多的是关心和帮助别人. 同时他们将会许多超能人被另一个组织所引诱, 通过一种危险致命而又奇妙的方法使用能力.
★ 在狼人家族继承人月圆之夜,却意外变身成一隻超萌贵宾犬,咩噗~ 进而展开一场疯狂逗趣又毛绒绒的奇幻冒险! ★ 外表虽然有点重要...但相信自己的内心才是最强大的力量,才能成为真正的英雄! |导演: 《猫头鹰的守护者》艾利克斯坦德曼我被继亲开了苞 |英语配音: 《军法》伊莱史云戴尔 《弑婚游戏》萨玛拉威明 《欢乐合唱团》珍琳奇 ★故事大纲★ 福来弟即将继位成为狼人家族的领袖,他也相信自己有如父亲一般,会成为史上最威猛的狼人...。 然而,在福来弟14岁生日第一次变身时名侦探柯南剧场版18,他居然变成一隻名副其实的……贵宾犬,让他的美梦破碎。狼人群们更傻了眼,咩噗~族中长老给了他一项任务,在明天月出之前,他需要证明自己够格当狼人,否则他就会因资格不符永远遭到家族放逐。 福来弟在出发之前被表弟表妹恶整染上了粉红色的头髮,看起来更不威了~但他还是鼓起勇气踏上在外出探险之路,却在夜晚大城市的街道失去了方向,一隻流浪狗大姊大贝蒂阴错阳差帮助了他,而他必须在今晚克服粉红色超萌的外表,证陆云我的七个女神姐姐免费阅读全文明自己是百分之百的狼人。
马切罗(马塞洛•马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰)是某杂志的专栏记者,他曾试图成为一名作家但是事与愿违,只得终日为明星绯闻奔忙。马切罗经常出running away土豪漫画免费席一些社会名流的交际酒会,于是他暗自和摄影师勾搭,设计拍摄明星隐私然后公诸于众。马切罗有一个女友元玛,在送 她回家的途中,搭乘了一位妓院老鸨,后者对他讲述了很多风月场中的轶事,这让他对名利场更加厌恶。在基督教的某个仪式上,一位从美国来的名模总是对着媒体搔首弄姿,后来马切罗的批评家朋友斯泰纳一针见血指出了她的虚伪之处,这让他逐渐认清了上流社会的腐朽,并开始重新审视自己的生活。他发现自己并不热衷奢华的生活,而且对于那个自以为是的元玛也并不满意,并进行了我行我素的反抗……
身手不凡的退役特种兵弗兰克·马丁(杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham 饰)如今从事着用宝马车货运的营生,弗兰克不管自己服务的是否是危城粤语银行抢劫犯,他更关注协议与原则。一单任务结束后,他免不了又要迎接警察的盘问与新工作。一个美国犯罪团伙托付弗兰克运送一件物品,弗兰克不经意中发现货物居然是一玫瑰之恋位名叫莱(舒淇 饰)的东方女子。弗兰克完成任务后对方却要灭口,只得带着莱回到住处。弗兰克这次惹上的麻烦显然不小,因为雇主随后带人将他的住所夷为平地,莱神秘的身份也浮出水面僵尸新娘在线观看:原来她是某国际蛇头的独女。弗兰克被卷入了偷渡犯罪中的父女情仇,他需要作出决定来面对他和莱的关系与正义。