Jonathan Malen
搜索"Jonathan Malen" ,找到 3部影视作品
Chris Kratt,Martin Kratt,Simon Paquette
动画片《Wild Kratts动物兄弟》作为美国公共电视台PBS高收视率的节目,在3年的时间已经被翻译成了21种语言,且在超过181个国家中播出。2016年暑假正式登陆中国,给小朋友带来奇妙的野生动物世界大冒险! Chris and Martin Kratt are brothers who explore the wild throughout the world to learn more about animals and share conservation information. They have three friends who travel in the Tortuga HQ with them named Aviva, Koki and Jimmy Z. The brothers have creature power suits that allow them to experience what it's like to be the animals they find. The team helps them by creating power suit creature disks for each animal they study. They also bring them supplies and help them out of tricky situations when their adventures get dicey. The group has to overcome villains as well, like a chef who wants to serve endangered species on his menu, or a clothing designer who wants to trap and use live animals to make her clothing line, or a tech villai国语在线n who wants to turn animals into robots to do his bidding. All of the villains have no regard for nature or conservation. Wild Kratts is a great cartoon adventure show for kids where they can learn about new animals and why conservation is so important!
Martain Kratt,Chris Krat
凯蒂(林赛•洛韩 饰)青春活泼,单纯可人。因为父母的工作关系,她从小在非洲长大,接受家庭式教育。同时,她在那个原始开阔的地方,凯蒂养成了隐忍坚强性格。15岁的这一年,凯蒂随父母搬到伊利诺斯州,开始了她人生第一次的校园生活。可令人不愉快的是,凯蒂的与新同学的相处2012手机免费观看根本不是她原本想象的样子。女孩儿们的世界,表面平静和睦,却波涛暗涌。 为了适应新的环境,凯蒂暗自学习“生存法则”并很快凭着可人的外表加入了学校很光鲜的一个小圈子。她温顺的性格,也似乎为她赢来了一群要好的朋友。然而,一切平静,都在她爱上男x战警 背水一战孩亚伦(乔纳森•本尼特 饰)的那一刻发生了变化。原来,亚伦是学校最惹眼的女孩Regina (瑞秋•麦克亚当斯 饰)的前任男友,虽然她们已经分手,可是霸道又自负的Regina根本不能容许凯蒂的介入。于是,一场女孩之间的战争悄然开始。关于友情,关于尊严,关于诚恳,关于信任。一切的一切,女孩儿们将如何学会,如主持人吴瑕何长大。