搜索"里奥·菲茨帕特" ,找到 7部影视作品
少年们的生活可以很纯洁,也可以很残酷,很显然,泰利(Leo Fitzpatrick 饰)属于后者。打小在下层社会中摸爬滚打的他练就了一幅玩世不恭的态安卓列表全部视频免费请用度,将世间的一切都不放在眼里,将所有的伦理道德都踩在脚下。泰利的一大爱好就是和朋友们一起去勾引纯洁少女并与歪歪漫画首页登录进入页面其发生关系,这么做的原因一是满足欲望,而是源于泰利内心中对性病的恐惧。 女孩珍妮(科洛·塞维尼 Chloë Sevigny 饰)发现自己感染了艾滋,而她在不久前刚刚和泰利有过一段露水情斗罗大陆免费观看完整缘。为了避免悲剧发生,珍妮想方设法追随着泰利的脚步,而此时,毫不知情的泰利正在对另一个女孩穷追猛打,当珍妮出现在他面前时,为时已晚。
The striking feature film debut of writer-director Alexandre Moors, BLUE CAPRICE is a harrowing yet restrained psychological thriller about an abandoned boy lured th级漫画o America into the shadows of a dangerous father figure. Inspired by true events, BLUE CAPRICE investigates the notorious and horrific Beltway sniper attacks向日葵黄软件下载 from the point of view of the two killers, whose distorted father-son relationship facilitated their long and bloody journey across America. Marked by captivating performances by Isaiah Washington and Tequan Richmond, lyrical camerawork, and a unique and bold structure, BLUE CAPRICE documents the mechanisms that lead its subjects to embrace physical violence. BLUE CAPRICE paints a riveting portrait of 21st-century America and a haunting depiction of two cold-blooded killers that will endure long after the lights come up.
Matt Osterman
HOVER takes place in the near future, where environmental strain has caused food shortages around the world. Technology provides a narrow path forward, with agricultural drones maximizing the yield from what land remains. Two compassionate care providers, Claudia (Coleman) and her mentor John (Craig muMs Grant), work to ass多多影院ist sick farmland inhabitants in ending their lives. After John dies under mysterious circumstances, a group of locals helps Claudia to uncover a deadly connection between the health of her clients and the technology they are using.